Repo for my github landing page at
- The template for this landing page is from here - great job and thanks for providing this template.
- I've updated the favicon.ico of the template and took it from here
- Besides that - feel free to reach out!
jekyll serve
ℹ️ original content of the readme below ℹ️
Minimal landing page for developers.
Developers don't talk much. Their code does all the talking. So here's a minimal landing page for developers.
I wanted a dev landing page to showcase everything I do online and I wanted it to be minimal and right to the point rather beautiful and hefty. And I think most of the devs out there would want the same.
So I sat down one night and created this Dev Landing Page. Feel free to fork, clone, play around and make this your own.
Dev Landing Page comes in 9 material themes.
If none of these themes fit within your taste, it's quite easy to customize and create your own too.
GitHub makes it easy to create personal websites. Follow this link - GitHub Pages to know how or follow the steps below.
If you already have a GitHub profile (obviously)
* Create a new repo with the name `{username}`
* Clone/Fork this repo and copy the files to your newly created repo
* Customize your name, links and everything else for your landing page
* `git push`
Voila! Your site should be live at `https://{username}`
Here's my **Dev Landing Page** - [Dinesh Pandiyan - portfolio v1](
### Custom Domain
If you want to make your new landing page available under a domain like `{username}.com` you can get started here - [Setting up a custom domain](
## License
MIT © Dinesh Pandiyan