Update the _matchAfterIndex variable after setting new filter mappings #12725
Webtide Jenkins / Jenkins
Jan 27, 2025 in 19h 52m 29s
Parallel Stage/Build / Test - JDK17: error in 'tool' step
Parallel Stage / Build / Test - JDK21 / Build / Test - JDK21 / Shell Script
Error in sh
step, with arguments mvn -Dmaven.build.cache.restoreGeneratedSources=false -Dmaven.build.cache.remote.url=http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache -Dmaven.build.cache.remote.enabled=true -Dmaven.build.cache.remote.save.enabled=true -Dmaven.build.cache.remote.server.id=nexus-cred -DsettingsPath=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725@tmp/config6850488891955839311tmp -Dmaven.repo.uri=http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-public/ -ntp -s /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725@tmp/config6850488891955839311tmp -Dmaven.repo.local=.repository -Pci -V -B -e -U clean install -Dspotbugs.skip=true -Djacoco.skip=true
script returned exit code 1
Build log
+ mvn -Dmaven.build.cache.restoreGeneratedSources=false -Dmaven.build.cache.remote.url=http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache -Dmaven.build.cache.remote.enabled=true -Dmaven.build.cache.remote.save.enabled=true -Dmaven.build.cache.remote.server.id=nexus-cred -DsettingsPath=/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725@tmp/config6850488891955839311tmp -Dmaven.repo.uri=http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-public/ -ntp -s /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725@tmp/config6850488891955839311tmp -Dmaven.repo.local=.repository -Pci -V -B -e -U clean install -Dspotbugs.skip=true -Djacoco.skip=true
Apache Maven 3.9.9 (8e8579a9e76f7d015ee5ec7bfcdc97d260186937)
Maven home: /home/jenkins/agent/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/maven3/apache-maven-3.9.9
Java version: 21.0.5, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium, runtime: /home/jenkins/agent/tools/hudson.model.JDK/jdk21/jdk-21.0.5+11
Default locale: en, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "5.15.0-130-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
[INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Loading cache configuration from /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.mvn/maven-build-cache-config.xml
[INFO] Using XXMM hash algorithm for cache
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] Build :: Resources [jar]
[INFO] Jetty :: Project [pom]
[INFO] Build [pom]
[INFO] Core [pom]
[INFO] Core :: SLF4J Implementation [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Utilities [jar]
[INFO] Core :: JMX [jar]
[INFO] Core :: IO [jar]
[INFO] Core :: ALPN [pom]
[INFO] Core :: ALPN :: Client [jar]
[INFO] Tests [pom]
[INFO] Tests :: Multipart Test Tools [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP Tools [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Utilities :: JSON [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP2 [pom]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP2 :: HPACK [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP2 :: Common [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP2 :: Client [jar]
[INFO] Core :: ALPN :: Conscrypt Client [jar]
[INFO] Core :: XML [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Server [jar]
[INFO] Core :: ALPN :: Server [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Sessions [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Security [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP Client [jar]
[INFO] Core :: ALPN :: Java Client [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP2 :: Client Transport [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP2 :: Server [jar]
[INFO] Core :: ALPN :: Conscrypt Server [jar]
[INFO] Core :: ALPN :: Java Server [jar]
[INFO] Core :: BOM [pom]
[INFO] Core :: Demos [pom]
[INFO] Core :: Demo Handler [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Deployers [jar]
[INFO] Core :: EE Common [jar]
[INFO] Core :: FastCGI [pom]
[INFO] Core :: FastCGI :: Client [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Proxy [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Unix-Domain Sockets :: Server [jar]
[INFO] Core :: FastCGI :: Server [jar]
[INFO] Core :: FastCGI :: Proxy [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP SPI [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP2 :: Tests [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP3 [pom]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP3 :: QPACK [jar]
[INFO] Core :: QUIC [pom]
[INFO] Core :: QUIC :: Quiche [pom]
[INFO] Core :: QUIC :: Quiche :: Common [jar]
[INFO] Core :: QUIC :: Common [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP3 :: Common [jar]
[INFO] Core :: QUIC :: Quiche :: JNA Binding [jar]
[INFO] Core :: QUIC :: Server [jar]
[INFO] Core :: QUIC :: Client [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP3 :: Client [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP3 :: Server [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP3 :: HTTP Client Transport [jar]
[INFO] Core :: HTTP3 :: Tests [jar]
[INFO] Core :: JNDI [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Test Keystore [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Maven [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: OpenID [jar]
[INFO] Core :: OSGi [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Plus [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Rewrite [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Start [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Tests [pom]
[INFO] Core :: Tests :: Client Transports [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Tests :: JMX [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Tests :: HTTP/2 Client Transport Provided WebApp [jar]
[INFO] Core :: WebSocket [pom]
[INFO] Core :: Websocket :: Common [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Websocket :: Client [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Websocket :: Server [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Websocket :: Tests [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Websocket :: Jetty API [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Websocket :: Jetty Common [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Websocket :: Jetty Client [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Websocket :: Jetty Server [jar]
[INFO] Core :: Websocket :: Jetty Tests [jar]
[INFO] EE10 [pom]
[INFO] EE10 :: Servlet [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: WebApp [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Plus [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Servlet Annotations [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Apache JSP [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: BOM [pom]
[INFO] EE10 :: CDI [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demos [pom]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Async Rest [pom]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Async Rest :: Jar [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Async Rest :: Server [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Async Rest :: WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Glassfish JSTL [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Proxy [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Utility Servlets and Filters [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Mock Resources [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: JNDI WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: JSP WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Simple WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Servlet Spec :: ServletContainerInitializer Jar [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Servlet Spec :: Fragment Jar [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Servlet Spec :: WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Websocket [pom]
[INFO] EE10 :: Websocket :: Jakarta Common [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Websocket :: Jakarta Client [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Websocket :: Servlet [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Websocket :: Jakarta Server [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Websocket :: Jetty Server [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Embedded Jetty [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: JAAS WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Jetty WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Proxy WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Servlet Spec [pom]
[INFO] EE10 :: Demo :: Template [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Examples [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: FCGI Proxy [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: JASPI [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: JNDI [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Quick Start [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Websocket :: Jetty Client WebApp [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Home Assembly [pom]
[INFO] EE10 :: Jetty JSPC Maven Plugin [maven-plugin]
[INFO] Integrations [pom]
[INFO] Integrations :: Hazelcast :: Sessions [jar]
[INFO] Integrations :: Infinispan [pom]
[INFO] Integrations :: Infinispan :: Sessions [jar]
[INFO] Integrations :: Infinispan :: Embedded [pom]
[INFO] Integrations :: Infinispan :: Embedded with Querying [jar]
[INFO] Integrations :: Infinispan :: Remote [pom]
[INFO] Integrations :: Infinispan :: Remote with Querying [jar]
[INFO] Integrations :: NoSQL :: Sessions [jar]
[INFO] EE8 [pom]
[INFO] EE8 :: Nested [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Security [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Servlet [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: WebApp [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Plus [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Servlet Annotations [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Apache JSP [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Glassfish JSTL [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: JNDI [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: OpenID [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Proxy [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Quick Start [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Utility Servlets and Filters [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demos [pom]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: Async Rest [pom]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: Async Rest :: Jar [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: Async Rest :: WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: JAAS WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket [pom]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket :: Jetty API [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket :: Jetty Common [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket :: Servlet [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket :: Jetty Server [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket :: Javax Common [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket :: Javax Client [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket :: Javax Server [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: Jetty WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: Mock Resources [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: JNDI WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: JSP WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: Proxy WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: Simple WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: Servlet Spec [pom]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: Servlet Spec :: ServletContainerInitializer Jar [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: Servlet Spec :: Fragment Jar [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: Servlet Spec :: WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket :: Jetty Client [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket :: Jetty Client WebApp [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Home Assembly [pom]
[INFO] EE9 [pom]
[INFO] EE9 :: Nested [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Security [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Servlet [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: WebApp [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Plus [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Servlet Annotations [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Apache JSP [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: CDI [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Proxy [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: FCGI Proxy [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Glassfish JSTL [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: JASPI [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: JNDI [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: OpenID [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Quick Start [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Utility Servlets and Filters [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demos [pom]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Async Rest [pom]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Async Rest :: Jar [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Async Rest :: WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: JAAS WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket [pom]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket :: Jetty API [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket :: Jetty Common [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket :: Servlet [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket :: Jetty Server [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket :: Jakarta Common [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket :: Jakarta Client [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket :: Jakarta Server [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Jetty WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Mock Resources [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: JNDI WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: JSP WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Proxy WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Simple WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Servlet Spec :: ServletContainerInitializer Jar [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Servlet Spec :: Fragment Jar [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Servlet Spec :: WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket :: Jetty Client [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket :: Jetty Client WebApp [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Home Assembly [pom]
[INFO] Integrations :: GCloud [pom]
[INFO] Integrations :: GCloud :: Sessions [jar]
[INFO] Integrations :: Memcached [pom]
[INFO] Integrations :: Memcached :: Sessions [jar]
[INFO] Home [pom]
[INFO] EE10 :: Jetty Maven Plugin [maven-plugin]
[INFO] EE10 :: OSGi [pom]
[INFO] EE10 :: OSGi :: ALPN Fragment [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: OSGi :: Boot [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: OSGi :: Boot JSP [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: OSGi :: WebApp Fragment [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: OSGi :: Server [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: OSGi :: WebApp With Resources [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: OSGi :: Test [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Runner [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests [pom]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Bad Websocket Simple WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Bad Init WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: CDI [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: CDI Common Demo WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: HTTP Client Transports [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Felix WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: HTTP2 WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: RFC2616 WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Integrations [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Jersey [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: JMX [pom]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: JMX :: WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: JMX :: WebApp Integration Tests [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: JNDI [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Log4j2 WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Login Service [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: OpenID WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: CDI OWB Demo WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Quick Start [jar]
[INFO] Tests :: Session Test Tools [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Sessions [pom]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Sessions :: Common [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Sessions :: File [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Sessions :: GCloud [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Sessions :: Hazelcast [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Sessions :: Infinispan [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Sessions :: JDBC [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Sessions :: Memcached [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Sessions :: Mongo [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Simple Session WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Websocket Simple WebApp with WebSocketClient Provided [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Websocket Simple WebApp with WebSocketClient [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: Websocket Simple WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Tests :: CDI Weld Demo WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE10 :: Websocket :: Jakarta Client WebApp [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Websocket :: Jakarta Tests [jar]
[INFO] EE10 :: Websocket :: Jetty Tests [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: BOM [pom]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Async Rest :: Server [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Embedded Jetty [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Servlet Spec [pom]
[INFO] EE9 :: Demo :: Template [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Jetty JSPC Maven Plugin [maven-plugin]
[INFO] EE9 :: Jetty Maven Plugin [maven-plugin]
[INFO] EE9 :: OSGi [pom]
[INFO] EE9 :: OSGi :: Boot [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: OSGi :: Boot JSP [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: OSGi :: WebApp Fragment [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: OSGi :: Server [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: OSGi :: WebApp With Resources [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: OSGi :: Test [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Runner [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests [pom]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Bad Websocket Simple WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Bad Init WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: CDI [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: CDI Common Demo WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: HTTP Client Transports [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Felix WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: HTTP2 WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: RFC2616 WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Integration [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: JMX [pom]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: JMX :: WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: JMX :: WebApp Integration [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: JNDI [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Login Service [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: OpenId WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: CDI OWB Demo WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Quick Start [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Sessions [pom]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Sessions :: Common [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Sessions :: File [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Sessions :: GCloud [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Sessions :: Hazelcast [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Sessions :: Infinispan [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Sessions :: JDBC [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Sessions :: Memcached [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Sessions :: Mongo [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Simple Session WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: WebSocket Simple WebApp with WebSocketClient Provided [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: WebSocket Simple WebApp with WebSocketClient [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: Websocket Simple WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Tests :: CDI Weld Demo WebApp [war]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket :: Jakarta Client Webapp [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket :: Jakarta Tests [jar]
[INFO] EE9 :: Websocket :: Jetty Tests [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: BOM [pom]
[INFO] EE8 :: Demo :: Async Rest :: Server [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Jetty :: JASPI Security [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Jetty JSPC Maven Plugin [maven-plugin]
[INFO] EE8 :: Jetty Maven Plugin [maven-plugin]
[INFO] EE8 :: OSGi [pom]
[INFO] EE8 :: OSGi :: Boot [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: OSGi :: Boot JSP [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: OSGi :: WebApp With Resources [war]
[INFO] EE8 :: OSGi :: WebApp Fragment [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: OSGi :: Server [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: OSGi :: Test [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Runner [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket :: Javax Client Webapp [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket :: Javax Tests [jar]
[INFO] EE8 :: Websocket :: Jetty Tests [jar]
[INFO] Tests :: Testers [jar]
[INFO] Tests :: JMH [jar]
[INFO] Tests :: Cross Context Dispatch :: Parent [pom]
[INFO] Tests :: Cross Context Dispatch :: Common [jar]
[INFO] Tests :: Cross Context Dispatch :: ee10 WebApp [war]
[INFO] Tests :: Cross Context Dispatch :: ee9 WebApp [war]
[INFO] Tests :: Cross Context Dispatch :: ee8 WebApp [war]
[INFO] Tests :: Cross Context Dispatch :: Tests [jar]
[INFO] Tests :: Distribution [pom]
[INFO] Tests :: Distribution :: Common [jar]
[INFO] Tests :: Integration [jar]
[INFO] Tests :: JPMS [jar]
[INFO] Javadocs [jar]
[INFO] Documentation [pom]
[INFO] Documentation :: Code Examples [jar]
[INFO] Documentation :: Asciidoc [pom]
[INFO] Jetty :: P2 [pom]
[INFO] -----------------< org.eclipse.jetty:build-resources >------------------
[INFO] Building Build :: Resources 12.0.17-SNAPSHOT [1/350]
[INFO] from build/build-resources/pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.2.0:clean (default-clean) @ build-resources ---
[INFO] --- spotless:2.43.0:check (default) @ build-resources ---
[INFO] Index file does not exist. Fallback to an empty index
[INFO] Sorting file /tmp/pom5038951102109794772.xml
[INFO] Pom file is already sorted, exiting
[INFO] Spotless.Pom is keeping 1 files clean - 0 needs changes to be clean, 1 were already clean, 0 were skipped because caching determined they were already clean
[INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:resources (default-resources) @ build-resources ---
[INFO] Copying 1 resource from src/main/resources to target/classes
[INFO] Copying 0 resource from .. to target/classes/META-INF
[INFO] --- remote-resources:3.2.0:bundle (create-shared-resources) @ build-resources ---
[INFO] Writing META-INF/maven/remote-resources.xml descriptor with 0 entry
[INFO] --- compiler:3.13.0:compile (default-compile) @ build-resources ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:testResources (default-testResources) @ build-resources ---
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build/build-resources/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- compiler:3.13.0:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ build-resources ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- surefire:3.2.5:test (default-test) @ build-resources ---
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] --- jar:3.4.1:jar (default-jar) @ build-resources ---
[INFO] Building jar: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build/build-resources/target/build-resources-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] --- install:3.1.2:install (default-install) @ build-resources ---
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build/build-resources/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/build-resources/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/build-resources-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build/build-resources/target/build-resources-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/build-resources/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/build-resources-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] ------------------< org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-project >-------------------
[INFO] Building Jetty :: Project 12.0.17-SNAPSHOT [2/350]
[INFO] from pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ jetty-project ---
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-project, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Project inputs calculated in 21 ms. XXMM checksum [b6978800536fff56] calculated in 6 ms.
[INFO] Attempting to restore project org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-project from build cache
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-project/b6978800536fff56/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Build info downloaded from remote repo, saving to: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-project/b6978800536fff56/nexus-cred/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Found cached build, restoring org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-project from cache by checksum b6978800536fff56
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-project/b6978800536fff56/jetty-project-version.txt
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotless:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): checkstyle:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): build-helper:parse-version
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): remote-resources:process
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jetty-version:attach-version-text
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): bundle:manifest
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): source:jar-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): javadoc:javadoc-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:report
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): license:check
[WARNING] Parameter 'legacyConfigExcludes' (user property 'license.excludes') is deprecated: use LicenseSet.excludes
[WARNING] Parameter 'legacyConfigHeader' (user property 'license.header') is deprecated: use LicenseSet.header
[WARNING] Parameter 'legacyConfigIncludes' (user property 'license.includes') is deprecated: use LicenseSet.includes
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotbugs:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): duplicate-finder:check
[INFO] Mojo execution is forced by project property: install:install
[INFO] --- install:3.1.3:install (default-install) @ jetty-project ---
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-project/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-project-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/VERSION.txt to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-project/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-project-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-version.txt
[INFO] -------------------< org.eclipse.jetty.build:build >--------------------
[INFO] Building Build 12.0.17-SNAPSHOT [3/350]
[INFO] from build/pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ build ---
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty.build, artifactId=build, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Project inputs calculated in 4 ms. XXMM checksum [7968e5d91eda590d] calculated in 0 ms.
[INFO] Attempting to restore project org.eclipse.jetty.build:build from build cache
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty.build/build/7968e5d91eda590d/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Build info downloaded from remote repo, saving to: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty.build/build/7968e5d91eda590d/nexus-cred/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Found cached build, restoring org.eclipse.jetty.build:build from cache by checksum 7968e5d91eda590d
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotless:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): checkstyle:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): build-helper:parse-version
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): remote-resources:process
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jetty-version:attach-version-text
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): bundle:manifest
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): source:jar-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): javadoc:javadoc-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:report
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotbugs:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): duplicate-finder:check
[INFO] Mojo execution is forced by project property: install:install
[INFO] --- install:3.1.3:install (default-install) @ build ---
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/build/build/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/build-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] --------------------< org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-core >--------------------
[INFO] Building Core 12.0.17-SNAPSHOT [4/350]
[INFO] from jetty-core/pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ jetty-core ---
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-core, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Project inputs calculated in 4 ms. XXMM checksum [fc640336eebe28d3] calculated in 0 ms.
[INFO] Attempting to restore project org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-core from build cache
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-core/fc640336eebe28d3/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Build info downloaded from remote repo, saving to: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-core/fc640336eebe28d3/nexus-cred/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Found cached build, restoring org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-core from cache by checksum fc640336eebe28d3
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotless:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): checkstyle:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): build-helper:parse-version
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): remote-resources:process
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jetty-version:attach-version-text
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): bundle:manifest
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): source:jar-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): javadoc:javadoc-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:report
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotbugs:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): duplicate-finder:check
[INFO] Mojo execution is forced by project property: install:install
[INFO] --- install:3.1.3:install (default-install) @ jetty-core ---
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-core/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-core-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] -----------------< org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-slf4j-impl >-----------------
[INFO] Building Core :: SLF4J Implementation 12.0.17-SNAPSHOT [5/350]
[INFO] from jetty-core/jetty-slf4j-impl/pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ jetty-slf4j-impl ---
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-slf4j-impl, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Scanning plugins configurations to find input files. Probing is enabled, values will be checked for presence in file system
[INFO] Found 17 input files. Project dir processing: 8, plugins: 16 millis
[INFO] Project inputs calculated in 33 ms. XXMM checksum [95f7b3a9e72de169] calculated in 36 ms.
[INFO] Attempting to restore project org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-slf4j-impl from build cache
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-slf4j-impl/95f7b3a9e72de169/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Build info downloaded from remote repo, saving to: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-slf4j-impl/95f7b3a9e72de169/nexus-cred/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Found cached build, restoring org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-slf4j-impl from cache by checksum 95f7b3a9e72de169
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-slf4j-impl/95f7b3a9e72de169/jetty-slf4j-impl.jar
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-slf4j-impl/95f7b3a9e72de169/jetty-slf4j-impl-sources.jar
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotless:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): checkstyle:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): build-helper:parse-version
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): remote-resources:process
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:resources
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jetty-version:attach-version-text
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): compiler:compile
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): bundle:manifest
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:testResources
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): compiler:testCompile
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): surefire:test
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jar:jar
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): source:jar-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): javadoc:javadoc-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:report
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotbugs:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): duplicate-finder:check
[INFO] Mojo execution is forced by project property: install:install
[INFO] --- install:3.1.3:install (default-install) @ jetty-slf4j-impl ---
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-slf4j-impl/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-slf4j-impl/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-slf4j-impl-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-slf4j-impl/target/jetty-slf4j-impl-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-slf4j-impl/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-slf4j-impl-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-slf4j-impl/target/jetty-slf4j-impl-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-slf4j-impl/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-slf4j-impl-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
[INFO] --------------------< org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util >--------------------
[INFO] Building Core :: Utilities 12.0.17-SNAPSHOT [6/350]
[INFO] from jetty-core/jetty-util/pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ jetty-util ---
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-util, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Scanning plugins configurations to find input files. Probing is enabled, values will be checked for presence in file system
[INFO] Found 299 input files. Project dir processing: 17, plugins: 23 millis
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-slf4j-impl, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Project inputs calculated in 53 ms. XXMM checksum [6b393eadda0e6fb9] calculated in 154 ms.
[INFO] Attempting to restore project org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util from build cache
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util/6b393eadda0e6fb9/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Build info downloaded from remote repo, saving to: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util/6b393eadda0e6fb9/nexus-cred/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Found cached build, restoring org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util from cache by checksum 6b393eadda0e6fb9
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util/6b393eadda0e6fb9/jetty-util.jar
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util/6b393eadda0e6fb9/jetty-util-sources.jar
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util/6b393eadda0e6fb9/jetty-util-config.jar
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotless:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): checkstyle:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): build-helper:parse-version
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): buildnumber:create
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): remote-resources:process
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:resources
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jetty-version:attach-version-text
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:copy-resources
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): compiler:compile
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): bundle:manifest
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:testResources
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): compiler:testCompile
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): surefire:test
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jar:jar
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): source:jar-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): javadoc:javadoc-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:report
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): assembly:single
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotbugs:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): duplicate-finder:check
[INFO] Mojo execution is forced by project property: install:install
[INFO] --- install:3.1.3:install (default-install) @ jetty-util ---
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-util/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-util/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-util-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-util/target/jetty-util-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-util/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-util-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-util/target/jetty-util-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-util/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-util-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-util/target/jetty-util-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-config.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-util/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-util-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-config.jar
[INFO] --------------------< org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jmx >---------------------
[INFO] Building Core :: JMX 12.0.17-SNAPSHOT [7/350]
[INFO] from jetty-core/jetty-jmx/pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ jetty-jmx ---
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-jmx, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Scanning plugins configurations to find input files. Probing is enabled, values will be checked for presence in file system
[INFO] Found 34 input files. Project dir processing: 2, plugins: 7 millis
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-util, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-slf4j-impl, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Project inputs calculated in 12 ms. XXMM checksum [3e0b5ec3d4c11c2a] calculated in 9 ms.
[INFO] Attempting to restore project org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jmx from build cache
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-jmx/3e0b5ec3d4c11c2a/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Build info downloaded from remote repo, saving to: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-jmx/3e0b5ec3d4c11c2a/nexus-cred/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Found cached build, restoring org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jmx from cache by checksum 3e0b5ec3d4c11c2a
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-jmx/3e0b5ec3d4c11c2a/jetty-jmx.jar
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-jmx/3e0b5ec3d4c11c2a/jetty-jmx-sources.jar
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-jmx/3e0b5ec3d4c11c2a/jetty-jmx-config.jar
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotless:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): checkstyle:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): build-helper:parse-version
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): remote-resources:process
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:resources
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jetty-version:attach-version-text
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:copy-resources
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): compiler:compile
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): bundle:manifest
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:testResources
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): compiler:testCompile
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): surefire:test
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jar:jar
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): source:jar-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): javadoc:javadoc-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:report
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): assembly:single
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotbugs:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): duplicate-finder:check
[INFO] Mojo execution is forced by project property: install:install
[INFO] --- install:3.1.3:install (default-install) @ jetty-jmx ---
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-jmx/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-jmx/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-jmx-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-jmx/target/jetty-jmx-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-jmx/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-jmx-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-jmx/target/jetty-jmx-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-jmx/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-jmx-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-jmx/target/jetty-jmx-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-config.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-jmx/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-jmx-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-config.jar
[INFO] ---------------------< org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io >---------------------
[INFO] Building Core :: IO 12.0.17-SNAPSHOT [8/350]
[INFO] from jetty-core/jetty-io/pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ jetty-io ---
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-io, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Scanning plugins configurations to find input files. Probing is enabled, values will be checked for presence in file system
[INFO] Found 110 input files. Project dir processing: 5, plugins: 8 millis
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-jmx, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-util, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-slf4j-impl, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Project inputs calculated in 19 ms. XXMM checksum [fa146d8fc68b3af3] calculated in 25 ms.
[INFO] Attempting to restore project org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io from build cache
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-io/fa146d8fc68b3af3/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Build info downloaded from remote repo, saving to: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-io/fa146d8fc68b3af3/nexus-cred/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Found cached build, restoring org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io from cache by checksum fa146d8fc68b3af3
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-io/fa146d8fc68b3af3/jetty-io.jar
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-io/fa146d8fc68b3af3/jetty-io-sources.jar
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotless:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): checkstyle:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): build-helper:parse-version
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): remote-resources:process
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:resources
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jetty-version:attach-version-text
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): compiler:compile
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): bundle:manifest
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:testResources
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): compiler:testCompile
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): surefire:test
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jar:jar
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): source:jar-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): javadoc:javadoc-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:report
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotbugs:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): duplicate-finder:check
[INFO] Mojo execution is forced by project property: install:install
[INFO] --- install:3.1.3:install (default-install) @ jetty-io ---
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-io/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-io/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-io-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-io/target/jetty-io-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-io/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-io-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-io/target/jetty-io-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-io/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-io-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
[INFO] --------------------< org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn >--------------------
[INFO] Building Core :: ALPN 12.0.17-SNAPSHOT [9/350]
[INFO] from jetty-core/jetty-alpn/pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ jetty-alpn ---
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-alpn, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Project inputs calculated in 2 ms. XXMM checksum [4758f2ce7a02a55b] calculated in 1 ms.
[INFO] Attempting to restore project org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn from build cache
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-alpn/4758f2ce7a02a55b/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Build info downloaded from remote repo, saving to: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-alpn/4758f2ce7a02a55b/nexus-cred/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Found cached build, restoring org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn from cache by checksum 4758f2ce7a02a55b
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotless:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): checkstyle:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): build-helper:parse-version
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): remote-resources:process
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jetty-version:attach-version-text
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): bundle:manifest
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): source:jar-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): javadoc:javadoc-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:report
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotbugs:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): duplicate-finder:check
[INFO] Mojo execution is forced by project property: install:install
[INFO] --- install:3.1.3:install (default-install) @ jetty-alpn ---
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-alpn/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-alpn/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-alpn-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] ----------------< org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-client >-----------------
[INFO] Building Core :: ALPN :: Client 12.0.17-SNAPSHOT [10/350]
[INFO] from jetty-core/jetty-alpn/jetty-alpn-client/pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- clean:3.4.0:clean (default-clean) @ jetty-alpn-client ---
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-alpn-client, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Scanning plugins configurations to find input files. Probing is enabled, values will be checked for presence in file system
[INFO] Found 4 input files. Project dir processing: 1, plugins: 3 millis
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-io, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Going to calculate checksum for project [groupId=org.eclipse.jetty, artifactId=jetty-slf4j-impl, version=12.0.17-SNAPSHOT]
[INFO] Project inputs calculated in 6 ms. XXMM checksum [6bcddd7c30fafad5] calculated in 1 ms.
[INFO] Attempting to restore project org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-client from build cache
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-alpn-client/6bcddd7c30fafad5/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Build info downloaded from remote repo, saving to: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-alpn-client/6bcddd7c30fafad5/nexus-cred/buildinfo.xml
[INFO] Found cached build, restoring org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-client from cache by checksum 6bcddd7c30fafad5
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-alpn-client/6bcddd7c30fafad5/jetty-alpn-client.jar
[INFO] Downloading http://nexus-service.nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/maven-build-cache/v1.1/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-alpn-client/6bcddd7c30fafad5/jetty-alpn-client-sources.jar
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotless:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): checkstyle:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): enforcer:enforce
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): build-helper:parse-version
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:prepare-agent
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): remote-resources:process
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:resources
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jetty-version:attach-version-text
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): compiler:compile
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): bundle:manifest
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): resources:testResources
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): compiler:testCompile
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): surefire:test
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jar:jar
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): source:jar-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): javadoc:javadoc-no-fork
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): jacoco:report
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): spotbugs:check
[INFO] Skipping plugin execution (cached): duplicate-finder:check
[INFO] Mojo execution is forced by project property: install:install
[INFO] --- install:3.1.3:install (default-install) @ jetty-alpn-client ---
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-alpn/jetty-alpn-client/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-alpn-client/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-alpn-client-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/jetty-core/jetty-alpn/jetty-alpn-client/target/jetty-alpn-client-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jetty.project_PR-12725/.repository/org/eclipse/jetty/jetty-alpn-client/12.0.17-SNAPSHOT/jetty-alpn-client-12.0.17-SNAPSHOT.jar
Output truncated.
- Parallel Stage (19 hr)
- Build / Test - JDK21 (5.2 sec)
- Build / Test - JDK21 (19 hr)
Error: script returned exit code 1
Unstable: 12 tests failed
- Build / Test - JDK21 (19 hr)
- Build / Test - JDK23 (5.2 sec)
- Build / Test - JDK23 (19 hr)
Error: Failed to install to /home/jenkins/agent/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/maven3
- Build / Test - JDK23 (19 hr)
- Build / Test - JDK17 (19 hr)
- Build / Test - JDK17 (19 hr)
Error: Failed to install to /home/jenkins/agent/tools/hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation/maven3
- Build / Test - JDK17 (19 hr)
- Build / Test - JDK21 (5.2 sec)
- Declarative: Post Actions (2.2 sec)