Amazon S3 integration for your Spree (v0.30.1) store, using the aws-s3 gem. Normally, Spree saves all image assets to disk. This extension will pass all product and taxon assets along to your S3 bucket instead.
Add to project’s Gemfile:
gem ‘spree_s3’, ‘>=0.1’, :git => ‘git://’
Run from project’s root:
bundle install
rake spree_s3:install
Create config/s3.yml within your Spree site.
production: key: [your access key] secret: [your access secret] bucket: [your s3 bucket name]
Or use config vars. For Heroku, setting these vars can be as simple as
$ cd mystore
$ heroku config:add S3_KEY=[your access key] S3_SECRET=[your access secret] S3_BUCKET=[your s3 bucket name]