Disable SELINUX. See distro docs.
Fork that git repo to your namespace and clone it to your favorite location
git clone https://code.getnoc.com/noc/noc-dc.git /opt/noc-dc
cd /opt/noc-dc
Run pre.sh script for make dirs\permissions\config
./pre.sh -p all
If you need change default install path to other or
other image run pre.sh
with parameter -d
or -t
./pre.sh -p all -d /opt/noc-dc -t stable
All tags for -t parameter: https://code.getnoc.com/noc/noc/container_registry
Check ./data/noc/etc/noc.conf
and edit config if needed
Install docker-compose:
see URL: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
Check "docker" daemon is running
Preparing to launch containers:
docker-compose up --no-start
Run initial db init and migrations
docker-compose up migrate
Wait for process to finish and than run noc itself
docker-compose up -d
Be aware that command will run lots of noc daemons and intended
to be pretty slow.
On my laptops it took at about 2 minutes to get everything started
Go to default credentials
Username: admin
Password: admin
- Only single node. No way to scale noc daemons to multihost.
- Databases outside container in
. - Only single pool. No way to add equipment from different vrfs.
- need 10G+ free space on block device
- SSD block device highly recommended. Start more that 2 minutes.
Read data/prometheus/etc/Readme.md
and setup export metrics from docker host
Run compose file docker-compose-infra.yml
docker-compose -f docker-compose-infra.yml -d
Open URL:
- Prometheus:
- Grafana:
- Sentry:
Q: What it looks like default output of docker-compose ps
when all works as intended
% docker ps --format "{{.Names}}: {{.Status}}\t{{.Ports}}"
noc-dc_nginx_1: Up 2 minutes 80/tcp,>443/tcp
noc-dc_traefik_1: Up 2 minutes>1200/tcp, 80/tcp,>8080/tcp
noc-dc_ping-default_1: Up 2 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_trapcollector-default_1: Up 2 minutes>162/udp, 1200/tcp
noc-dc_syslogcollector-default_1: Up 2 minutes>514/udp, 1200/tcp
noc-dc_web_1: Up 2 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_card_1: Up 2 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_nbi_1: Up 2 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_chwriter_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_escalator_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_classifier-default_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_selfmon_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_correlator-default_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_nsqd_1: Up 4 minutes 4150-4151/tcp,
4160-4161/tcp, 4170-4171/tcp
noc-dc_bi_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_mailsender_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_tgsender_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_sae_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_datastream_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_datasource_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_login_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_mib_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_mrt_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_scheduler_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_grafanads_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_discovery-default_1: Up 3 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_nsqlookupd_1: Up 4 minutes 4150-4151/tcp, 4160-4161/tcp,
noc-dc_clickhouse_1: Up 4 minutes 8123/tcp, 9000/tcp, 9009/tcp
noc-dc_grafana_1: Up 4 minutes 3000/tcp
noc-dc_activator-default_1: Up 4 minutes 1200/tcp
noc-dc_consul_1: Up 4 minutes 8300-8302/tcp, 8301-8302/udp,
8600/tcp, 8600/udp,>8500/tcp
noc-dc_mongo_1: Up 4 minutes 27017/tcp
noc-dc_postgres_1: Up 4 minutes (healthy) 5432/tcp
noc-dc_redis_1: Up 4 minutes 6379/tcp
Q: Can i setup my ssl certificate?
A: Yes you can. you have to put it in data/nginx/ssl
and name it noc.crt
and noc.key
Q: I need add my hosts.
A: Read data/noc/import/Readme.md
Q: Can i use my own databases instead of new ?
A: Glad you asked. Of course you can. Ensure that dockerized noc is not started
docker-compose down
Take a backup or shutdown your current noc and copy
/var/lib/postgres -> data/postgres
/var/lib/clickhouse -> data/clickhouse
/var/lib/mongo -> data/mongo
fix permission
./pre.sh -p perm
update passwords in noc.conf
and start noc with
docker-compose up -d
Thats it. Be aware that your copy will be doing same jobs. And that can lead to a extreme server load. But here is a tric. You can run
docker-compose run migrate python commands/deactivate.py
It will unschedule all discovery jobs so you can run your copy without worries
Q: Can i change files in that NOC install ?
A: Yes. Just add them as a volumes. For example you want to
change script sa/profiles/MikroTik/RouterOS/get_version.py
You have to open with text editor file docker-compose.yaml
find activator-default
section it will looks like
image: registry.getnoc.com/noc/noc/code:19.2-dev
restart: "always"
command: /usr/bin/python /opt/noc/services/activator/service.py
mem_limit: 150m
NOC_POOL: default
- noc.conf
traefik.enable: false
Copy existing script from container to custom/ with
docker cp noc-dc_activator-default_1:/opt/noc/sa/profiles/MikroTik/RouterOS/get_version.py custom/
Change it with text editor and add to docker-compose file like that
image: registry.getnoc.com/noc/noc/code:19.2-dev
restart: "always"
command: /usr/bin/python /opt/noc/services/activator/service.py
mem_limit: 150m
NOC_POOL: default
- noc.conf
- $PWD/custom/get_version.py:/opt/noc/sa/profiles/MikroTik/RouterOS/get_version.py
traefik.enable: false
and restart noc with
docker-compose up -d
Thats it. Be aware of if you need to add new script it has to be added to several services. Also you need discovery, sae and web.
Q: How to make \ restore a backup.
A: Use backup.sh
and restore.sh
scripts from ./backup
Read ./backup/Readme.md
Q: Sentry not work after first run.
A: You need run
docker exec -ti noc-dc_sentry_1 sentry upgrade
Setup admin user and password.
Go to to login in Sentry