CertiPay.Common is a basic library that contains utilities and functionality for our internal applications. It was built for use in our next-generation suite of payroll products for CertiPay.com, a payroll processing engine and service.
Please see the LICENSE file for information on using the code in this library.
For the most part, enumerations and classes found in this library are commented and self-explanatory to use.
For any questions or comments, please open an issue in our GitHub Issue tracker for this repository.
You can find the packages built for this project on NuGet by searching for CertiPay
or from the package manager console.
i.e. Install-Package CertiPay.Common
Please submit a pull request or issue to the GitHub repository with the appropriate context and tests, if possible.
CertiPay.Common.Logging provides an abstraction similar to Common.Logging
. By default it logs to C:\Logs\{Environment}\{Application}\{Data}.log
, but can be configured.
You can use it by calling CertiPay.Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger<T>()
to retrieve a configured instance of ILog
. From there, you can use the typical Log.Info
or Log.ErrorException
extension methods to provide the log level intended.
Basic settings for Logging and their defaults:
<add key="ApplicationName" value="{Your_App_Name}" />
<add key="Environment" value="Local" <!-- Values: Local/Test/Staging/Production --> />
<add key="LogFilePath" value="c:\Logs\{Environment}\{Your_AppName}\{Date}" />
<add key="LogLevel" value="Info" <!-- Values: Verbose/Debug/Info/Warn/Error/Fatal --> />
Under the covers, it uses Serilog for it's logging. To enable additional sinks, use the app.config like below:
<add key="serilog:using" value="Serilog.Sinks.Email" />
<add key="serilog:write-to:Email.toEmail" value="[email protected]" />
<add key="serilog:write-to:Email.fromEmail" value="[email protected]" />
<!-- An empty value here will drop back to using system.net.mailSettings.smtp.network.host -->
<!-- However, not including this key will cause it to fail to send altogether -->
<add key="serilog:write-to:Email.mailServer" value="" />
CertiPay.PDF takes a dependency on ABCPDF.Gecko which will end up copying a lot of files into your project.
Instead, you can remove them and reference them directly from the package folder is your project file.
<Content Include="..\packages\ABCpdf.ABCGecko.\content\XULRunner21_0\**\*.*">