A Discrete Dynamic System Simmulation library. Based on the principles of Simulink. Operations blocks are created and stored in a pointer vector stored a simulation object. Inputs and Outputs of each block are knitted together using shared_pointers. Each block can consist of multiple sub-blocks knitted together and different operations, such as: multiplications, division, addition, subtraction, integration and saturation. The execution of each block is performed in the order they are stored in the vector.
Complex components such as pumps and engines or stored as sub-systems.
- Eigen3 for Matrix piecewise calculations
- Boost for the use of shared pointers
- qcustomplot for graphs. a MTI fork can be found at qcustomplot
- Build a graphical user interface Qdissim
- Execute blocks in parallel (where possible)
- Determine order of execution for each block automatically
- Investigate CUDA execution of blocks