This branch is still under construction and is targeted for ROS 2 and/or ROS 1 M-Turtle.
Install ros2 (needed for ament at least and ros2's C++ api for the version of rviz in ros 2):
Currently the latest release (beta3) is not sufficient to build rviz so you need to build the ros2 master from source.
There will be a setup.bash
file from your ros2 build you can source.
The current state of this branch requires a from-source build though.
Install the following Ubuntu packages:
apt install libxaw7-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev qt5-default libyaml-cpp-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
Source the setup file before continuing:
$ source path/to/ros2/install/setup.bash
Note Make sure to install all dependencies in either 32 bit or 64 bit version and do not mix.
This setup was tested for Windows 10 x64.
- Download CURL sources from GitHub
- Extract to local folder (e.g. to
) - Create and change to build folder (e.g.
)- Configure CMake:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ../
- Build the project:
cmake --build . --config Debug
- Install to
C:\Program Files
:cmake --build . --config Debug --target Install
- Configure CMake:
- Download Boost sources from
- Extract to local folder (e.g. to
- Download yaml-cpp sources from GitHub
- Extract to local folder (e.g. to
) - Create and change to build folder (e.g.
)- Configure CMake:
cmake -G "cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ../ -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\ros2\boost_1_65_1
- Build the project:
cmake --build . --config Debug
- Install to
C:\Program Files
:cmake --build . --config Debug --target Install
- Configure CMake:
- add Qt binary files to PATH (e.g.
) - set QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable (e.g.
) - Add Curl and yaml-cppto the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable
- Example:
C:\Program Files\CURL;C:\Program Files\YAML_CPP
- Example:
- Add Curl binary to PATH (e.g.
C:\Program Files\CURL\bin
) - Set BOOST_INCLUDEDIR environment variable to Boost include directory (e.g.
) - Add patch.exe to PATH (e.g. from Git Bash,
C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin
) - (For Testing) Add Cppcheck binary to PATH (e.g.
C:\Program Files\Cppcheck
Source the setup file before continuing:
$ call path/to/ros2/install/setup.bat
Create a new workspace:
$ mkdir -p ~/rviz2_ws/src
$ cd ~/rviz2_ws/src
Clone these repositories into the source folder:
$ git clone
$ git clone -b ros2
$ git clone
Then build all the packages with this command:
$ ament build
Or specific packages with command, for example just rviz_ogre_vendor
and then rviz_rendering
$ ament build --only rviz_ogre_vendor
$ ament build --only rviz_rendering
More instructions and examples to come.
In addition to the ROS 2 Developer Guide we suggest the following.
Main rationale here is to create code that can be well tested by avoiding highly coupled components.
- Avoid free functions (cannot be mocked).
- Create abstract base classes (interface) for dependencies. (This allows for a mock to be completely independent of the actual implementing class.)
- Use only the interface in the dependent code.
- Specify dependencies as a constructor argument.
- Prefer
for storing the dependency instead of a raw pointer.