- Window Manager - i3wm
- Editor - Vim (Vundle handles my vim plugins)
- Shell - Zsh (Antigen is awesome)
- Terminal:
- ubuntu - Terminator
- macosx - iterm2
I use pretty much everything out of the box but I've made some customizations to enhance my workflow
which I'll try to explain in a bit ;).
You should review any files you decide to include in your personal dotfiles. I'll try as much as possible to explain them as comments in the corresponding files. If there's any thing you need further explanation as to how it works and/or what it does, please open an issue so we iron out the kinks. Thanks!
Set zsh as login shell:
chsh -s $(which zsh)
Vim compiled with python
git clone https://github.com/jeffgodwyll/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
Note, the install
script can be run multiple times. It's safe :) Under the
hood, all it's really doing is symlinking the appropriate files into place using
Uses dotbot ;)
Restart your shell for changes to take effect and to install and set up
antigen. Or just source your .zshrc
file for the changes to kick in:
source .zshrc
Also to install Vundle Bundles, run the command below:
vim +BundleInstall +qall
Nothing fancy and no hassle using conky here. Just load fontawesome and you're good to go.
This is explained a bit more into detail at: https://www.jeffgodwyll.com/posts/2016/dotfile-goodness-vim/
Again Vundle handles my Vim plugins.
My Vim config is optimised to make working with the following easier:
- Python
- JavaScript
- Jinja
- TypeScript
- Markdown
- Java(sometimes)
- various configuration files
- jedi-vim, awesome Python autocompletion with Vim
- [vim-jinja][], jinja support
- vim-virtualenv, for Python virtualenv support
- python-mode, static analysis, refactoring, folding, completion, documentation, etc
- vim-flake8, static syntax and style checker for Python
- vim-airline, a better status line
- fugitive, for git integration
- syntastic, syntax checking for various file formats
- vim-powerline, status line utility for Vim
- ctrlp, for quick file opening
- tagbar, for improved code outlines / navigations
- NERDTree, for file navigation
- GoldenView, always have a nice view for Vim split windows
- vim-json, distinct highlighting of keywords vs values, JSON-specific (non-JS) warnings, quote concealing.
- MatchTagAlways, always highlight tag pairs
- vim-livedown, for live preview of Markdown files
- Goyo, distraction-free writing
- limelight, hyperfocus-writing in Vim
- emmet-vim, html code completion
- i3-vim-syntax, syntax checking for i3 config
In Vim I use the Mustang colour scheme
My terminal uses a variant of monokai, spiderman, the hulk or chalk depending on my mood :) and probably because they blend in nicely with my bullet train zsh theme.