Dataset and codes for our paper "Entity-Sensitive Attention and Fusion Network for Entity-Level Multimodal Sentiment Classification".
Entity-Sensitive Attention and Fusion Network for Entity-Level Multimodal Sentiment Classification. Jianfei Yu, Jing Jiang, and Rui Xia. Accepted by IEEE/ACM TASLP 2020.
Jianfei Yu
Dec 2, 2019
- PyTorch 1.0.0
- Python 3.7
- Step 1: Download each tweet's associated image via this link (
- Step 2: Change the image path in line 468 and line 472 of the "" file
- Step 3: Download the pre-trained ResNet-152 via this link (
- Setp 4: Put the pre-trained ResNet-152 model under the folder named "resnet"
- Setp 5: Change the Glove word embedding path in line 30 of the "" file
- This is the training code of tuning parameters on the dev set, and testing on the test set. Note that you can change "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0" based on your available GPUs.
- To show the running process, we show our running logs in the "twitter_log.txt" and the "twitter2015_log.txt".