Light modal component for Vue, based on the Modal Component Example and added some features like:
- close on outside click
- slot support
- some animations
- support Bootstrap, but it works without Bootstrap too!
Get the package:
npm install light-modal-vue
Register LightModal in your app entrypoint:
import Vue from 'vue'
import LightModal from 'light-modal-vue';
Vue.component('modal', LightModal);
In your HTML call it like
v-show = "show_modal"
title = "Title"
intro = "intro_class"
outro = "outro_class"
@close = "close_method">
<!-- HEADER -->
<div slot = "modal-header">
the header slot is optional
<!-- BODY -->
<div slot = "modal-body">
this is the body
<!-- FOOTER -->
<div slot = "modal-footer">
this is the footer
in this case the variable "show_modal" is controlling when the modal appears, intro it's the class associated when the modal show, and outro when the modal hide, close_method it's the callback for the close event.
Get Animate.css:
npm install animate.css
Import animate.css in your app
import 'animate.css/animate.min.css';
use it with LightModal
v-show = "show"
title = "Title"
intro = "bounceIn"
outro = "bounceOut"
@close = "close">
This project is in an early stage of development. Any contribution is welcome :D