Teiid is a data virtualization system that allows applications to use data from multiple, heterogeneous data stores.
- Website - http://teiid.org
- Latest Documentation - http://teiid.github.io/teiid-documents/master/content/
- Documentation Project - https://github.com/teiid/teiid-documents
- JIRA Issues - https://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIID
- User Forum - https://community.jboss.org/en/teiid?view=discussions
- Wiki - https://community.jboss.org/wiki/TheTeiidProject
- install JDK 1.8 or higher
- install maven 3.2+ - http://maven.apache.org/download.html
- Create a github account and fork Teiid
Enter the following:
$ git clone https://github.com/<yourname>/teiid.git
$ cd teiid
$ mvn clean install -P dev -s settings.xml
you can find the deployment artifacts in the "teiid/build/target" directory once the build is completed.
Teiid includes a travis build config. By default it performs only an "install" on every commit. It allows for a cron based build to be configured as well for deploying snapshots. The snapshot build requires add the environment variables SONATYPE_USERNAME and SONATYPE_PASSWORD that should set to the user access token values of an authorized sonatype account.
Once built you can start up the Wildfly server with Teiid by extracting "build/target/teiid--wildfly-server.zip" and running:
{server-dir}/bin/standalone.sh -c=standalone-teiid.xml
In order to be able to access the Wildfly console you need to setup a user by running "./bin/add-user.sh" or "bin/add-user.bat" from the server directory.
You should be able to access the Wildfly console at http://localhost:9990 and the Teiid console at http://localhost:9990/console/App.html#teiid.
For more info see Installation Guide.
The default license for all submodules is the Apache Software License (ASL) v2.0
Where applicable individual submodules will provide additional copyright and license information.