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zaphoyd edited this page Nov 27, 2011 · 1 revision

@class websocketpp::http::request_writer@ provides functionality for writing HTTP requests.

h3. Types

See "@websocketpp::http@":/zaphoyd/websocketpp/wiki/websocketpp::http for types defined globally for the @websocketpp::http@ module.

h3. Member functions

| Signature | Description | | @request(const std::string& method, const std::string& uri)@ | Construct a request initialized with the given method and uri. | | @void set_header(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)@ | sets header with key @key@ to @value@ | | @std::string get_method() const@ | Returns the value of the current HTTP request method. E.g. GET, POST, etc | | @std::string get_uri() const@ | Returns the value of the current HTTP request uri/resource | | @std::string get_request() const@ | Compiles the current request and returns the raw source HTTP request source. |

h3. Thread safety

Distinct Objects: Safe Shared Objects: Unsafe

h3. Requirements

Header: websocketpp/http/parser.hpp Library: libwebsocketpp