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Math Functions (MathUtils.xml)

Patrick Digan edited this page Feb 4, 2021 · 13 revisions

This provides some additional math functions.

Unless specified, the functions listed below will be added to the Math category.

Unit tests for all these functions in MathUtils.Test folder.


Syntax: INT(Number)


  • INT(1.25) returns 1
  • INT(-2.25) returns -2

Rounds a number to the nearest integer which is equal to it or closer to 0.


Syntax: MODULO(Number, Divisor)


  • MODULO(1, 2) returns 1
  • MODULO(2.25, 1.5) returns 0.75

Version of the MOD function allowing for floating point numbers.

  • If either Modulo or Divisor are NULL, returns NULL.
  • If Divisor is 0, then result will be NULL.


Syntax: SIGN(Number)


  • SIGN(1) returns 1
  • SIGN(-3.4) returns -1

Determines the SIGN of the input.

  • If either Modulo or Divisor are NULL, returns NULL.
  • If Divisor is 0, then result will be NULL.


Added to Spatial category

C++ Function - HexBinX

Syntax: HEXBINX(PointX, PointY, Radius)


  • HEXBINX(0, 0) returns 0
  • HEXBINX(1, 1) returns 1.5
  • HEXBINX(1, 1, 2) returns 0

Given a point (X, Y), returns the X co-ordinate of the center of hexagonal bin containing the point.

  • An optional third parameter, allows the size of the Hexagon to be changed (defaults to 1).
  • Reproduces Tableau HEXBINX function.
  • Based on the d3.js implementation but rotated by 90 degrees.
  • If PointX or PointY is NULL, returns NULL.
  • If Radius is NULL, uses 1.


Added to Spatial category

C++ Function - HexBinY

Syntax: HEXBINY(PointX, PointY, Radius)


  • HEXBINY(0, 0) returns 0
  • HEXBINY(1, 1) returns 0.866025
  • HEXBINY(1, 1, 2) returns 0

Given a point (X, Y), returns the Y co-ordinate of the center of hexagonal bin containing the point.

  • An optional third parameter, allows the size of the Hexagon to be changed (defaults to 1).
  • Reproduces Tableau HEXBINY function.
  • Based on the d3.js implementation but rotated by 90 degrees.
  • If PointX or PointY is NULL, returns NULL.
  • If Radius is NULL, uses 1.


Syntax: RAND_TRIANGULAR(P, Min, Mode, Max)


  • RAND_TRIANGULAR(0, 0, 1, 2) returns 0
  • RAND_TRIANGULAR(1, 0, 1, 2) returns 2
  • RAND_TRIANGULAR(0.5, 0, 1, 2) returns 1

Given a probability, P, convert into the value on a Triagular distribution with range (Min, Max) and mode equal to Mode.

  • If P is less than 0 or greater than 1, returns NULL.
  • Use the Rand() function to generate a random value of P.


C++ Function - Average

Syntax: AVG(Value1, Value2, ...) Takes variable number of parameters.


  • AVG(1, 2) returns 1.5
  • AVG(1, NULL) returns 1
  • AVG(NULL, 2) returns 2
  • AVG(1, 2, 3) returns 2

Computes the average (mean) of a set inputs ignoring NULL values.

  • All parameters must be a numeric type.
  • Minimum of 2 parameters, but can be as many as you need.
  • If all parameters are null, returns NULL.


C++ Function - Count

Syntax: COUNT(Value1, Value2, ...) Takes variable number of parameters.


  • COUNT(1, 2) returns 2
  • COUNT(1, NULL) returns 1
  • COUNT(NULL, 2) returns 1
  • COUNT(1, 2, 3) returns 3
  • COUNT('A', NULL, 1, 'B') *returns* 3`

Counts the number of values which are not NULL.

  • Can be any combination of numeric or text types.
  • Minimum of 2 parameters, but can be as many as you need.
  • If all parameters are null, returns 0.


C++ Function - Sum

Syntax: SUM(Value1, Value2, ...) Takes variable number of parameters.

  • SUM(1, 2) returns 3
  • SUM(1, NULL) returns 1
  • SUM(NULL, 2) returns 2
  • SUM(1, 2, 3) returns 6

Computes the total of a set inputs ignoring NULL values.

  • All parameters must be a numeric type
  • Minimum of 2 parameters, but can be as many as you need.
  • If all parameters are null, returns 0.


Syntax: DEG(Radians)

  • DEG(0) returns 0
  • DEG(1) returns 57.29577951
  • DEG(NULL()) returns NULL

Converts from radians to degrees.


Syntax: RAD(degrees)

  • RAD(0) returns 0
  • RAD(57.29577951) returns 1
  • RAD(NULL()) returns NULL

Converts from degrees to radians.


C++ Function - NormDist

Syntax: NORMDIST(X, Mean, StDev, Cumulative) Defaults: Mean = 0, StDev = 1, Cumulative = false

Computes either probability mass function or cumulative distribution function value of x on a Normal distribution with specified Mean and Standard Deviation.


C++ Function - NormInv

Syntax: NORMINV(P, Mean, StDev) Defaults: Mean = 0, StDev = 1

Computes the inverse of cumulative distribution function value for a specified value of P on a Normal distribution with specified Mean and Standard Deviation.


C++ Function - LogNormDist

Syntax: LOGNORMDIST(X, Location, Scale, Cumulative) Defaults: Location = 0, Scale = 1, Cumulative = false

Computes either probability mass function or cumulative distribution function value of x on a Log Normal distribution with specified Location and Scale.


C++ Function - LogNormInv

Syntax: LOGNORMINV(P, Location, Scale) Defaults: Location = 0, Scale = 1

Computes the inverse of cumulative distribution function value for a specified value of P on a Log Normal distribution with specified Location and Scale.


C++ Function - TDist

Syntax: TDIST(X, DegreesOfFreedom)

Computes the two-tailed probability on a student T distribution with specified degrees of freedom for a value of x.


C++ Function - TInv

Syntax: TINV(P, DegreesOfFreedom)

Computes the inverse of cumulative distribution function value for a specified value of P on the two tailed student T distribution with specified degrees of freedom.


C++ Function - ChiDist

Syntax: CHIDIST(X, DegreesOfFreedom)

Computes the right-tailed probability on a Chi-Squared distribution with specified degrees of freedom for a value of x.


C++ Function - ChiInv

Syntax: CHIINV(P, DegreesOfFreedom)

Computes the inverse of the right-tailed probability for a specified value of P on the Chi-Squared distribution with specified degrees of freedom.


Syntax: PHI()


  • PHI() returns 2.61803398875

Returns the golden ratio constant.


C++ Function - GammaDist

Syntax: GAMMADIST(X, Shape, Scale, Cumulative) Defaults: Scale = 1, Cumulative = false

Computes either probability mass function or cumulative distribution function value of x on a Gamma distribution with specified Shape (alpha) and Scale (beta).


C++ Function - GammaInv

Syntax: GAMMAINV(P, Shape, Scale) Defaults: Scale = 1

Computes the inverse of cumulative distribution function value for a specified value of P on a Gamma distribution with specified Shape (alpha) and Scale (beta).


C++ Function - PoissonDist

Syntax: POISSONDIST(X, Mean, Cumulative) Defaults: Cumulative = false

Computes either probability mass function or cumulative distribution function value of x on a Poisson distribution with specified Mean.


C++ Function - PoissonInv

Syntax: PoissonINV(P, Mean)

Computes the inverse of cumulative distribution function value for a specified value of P on a Poisson distribution with specified Mean. Note that we're using the integer round up methodology as this seemed to match the expected value in this case.


C++ Function - FDist

Syntax: FDIST(X, DegreesOfFreedom1, DegreesOfFreedom2)

Computes the right tailed probability on an F distribution with specified degrees of freedom for a value of x.


C++ Function - FInv

Syntax: FINV(P, DegreesOfFreedom1, DegreesOfFreedom2)

Computes the inverse of cumulative distribution function value for a specified value of P on the right tailed F distribution with specified degrees of freedom.