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FWD PcioDst

Daniel Brandenburg edited this page Jan 26, 2024 · 3 revisions

PicoDst Status

Added classes:

  • StPicoFwdTrack
  • StPicoFcsHit
  • StPicoFcsCluster

Additions are made in the fwd-picodst branch and incorporated into dev


    /// Unique track ID
    UShort_t mId;
    /// Number of points used in seed
    UChar_t mNumberOfSeedPoints;
    /// Charge * nHitsFit
    Char_t mNumberOfFitPoints;
    /// Chi2 of the track (encoding = chi2*1000)
    UShort_t mChi2;

    /// Px momentum (GeV/c)
    Float_t mMomentumX;
    /// Py momentum (GeV/c)
    Float_t mMomentumY;
    /// Pz momentum (GeV/c)
    Float_t mMomentumZ;
    /// convergence (0=no, 1=converge, 2=converge fully)
    UChar_t mStatus;
    /// MC track id
    UShort_t mIdTruth;
    /// MC track quality (percentage of hits coming from corresponding MC track)
    UShort_t mQATruth;


    UShort_t mIndex=0;           // Eventwise Hit Index
    UShort_t mDetectorId=0;      // DetectorId
    UShort_t mId=0;              // Id of the hit winthin a detectorId
    Float_t mFourMomentumX=0.0;  // Four momentum component X
    Float_t mFourMomentumY=0.0;  // Four momentum component Y
    Float_t mFourMomentumZ=0.0;  // Four momentum component Z
    Float_t mFourMomentumT=0.0;  // Four momentum component T


    UShort_t mId=0;             // Eventwise cluster ID
    UShort_t mDetectorId=0;   // Detector starts from 1
    Int_t mCategory=0;        // Category of cluster (see StMuFcsClusterCategory)
    UShort_t mNTowers=0;         // Number of non-zero-energy tower hits in the cluster
    Float_t mX=0.0;  // Mean x ("center of gravity") in local grid coordinate (1st moment)
    Float_t mY=0.0;  // Mean y ("center of gravity") in local grid coordinate (1st moment)
    Float_t mSigmaMin=0.0;        // Minimum 2nd moment
    Float_t mSigmaMax=0.0;        // Maximum 2nd moment (along major axis)
    Float_t mTheta=0.0;           //Angle in x-y plane that defines the direction of least-2nd-sigma
    Float_t mChi2Ndf1Photon=0.0;  // &chi;<sup>2</sup> / ndf for 1-photon fit
    Float_t mChi2Ndf2Photon=0.0;  // &chi;<sup>2</sup> / ndf for 2-photon fit
    Float_t mFourMomentumX=0.0;
    Float_t mFourMomentumY=0.0;
    Float_t mFourMomentumZ=0.0;
    Float_t mFourMomentumT=0.0;

Generating PicoDst

1. Generate a cached geometry (once)

root4star -b -q -l StRoot/StFwdTrackMaker/macro/build_geom.C

this should produce a file (by default) named fGeom.root

2. Run PicoDst generation on a MuDst input file

PicoDsts can be generated using standard tracking options via the must/pico.C macro. For example:

root4star -b -q -l 'StRoot/StFwdTrackMaker/macro/mudst/pico.C( "st_fwd_22356011_raw_4500001.MuDst.root", 100 )'

Runs on a MuDst file in the local directory (named st_fwd_22356011_raw_4500001.MuDst.root)