A todo.txt command line add-on for marking a task as done, and then adding it again, adjusting due dates and deferral dates if desired.
$ todo.sh again N
Mark item N as done, and then recreate it, with the creation date set as todays date, and any existing due date set to today. Deferral date is not affected by this operation.
$ todo.sh again N DAYS
Mark item N as done, and then recreate it with the creation date set as todays date, and any existing due date and deferral date set to DAYS days from today.
$ todo.sh again N +DAYS
Mark item N as done, and then recreate it with the creation date set as todays date, and any existing due date and deferral date set to DAYS days from their previous values.
The functionality achieved with the command line arguents detailed
above can also be achieved bya adding an again:
tag to an item
in order to get the desired behavior.
(A) Do important things due:2001-01-01 t:2001-01-01 again:+5
$ todo.sh again 1
(A) Do important things due:2001-01-06 t:2001-01-06 again:+5
(X) Do important things due:2001-01-01 t:2001-01-01 again:+5
This add-on is released under the GNU General Public License v.3 for further details, refer to LICENSE.
This add-on is based on the repeat add-on.