5.1.0 Beta 3 Release
Pre-releaseThis IPA file was downloaded from the official website here
A direct IPA link from the unc0ver website is available here
This GitHub repo is not an official rehost and never will be
Note from @jbmagination: The changelog does indeed state "Disable older version downloads", which the official website does indeed do, however I will not be doing so. The Beta 2 Reddit post has an edit, which I have now put onto both Beta 1 and Beta 2 to prevent unknowing users from a boot loop. It is strongly recommended that you use the latest version.
Last updated at: 05/28/2020
05/28/2020 - v5.1.0~b3 was released for production with the following changes:
** Please update nitoTV before upgrading if currently jailbroken **
⚠️ Support development with https://phonerebel.com ⚠️
- Update bundled nitoTV to fix possible bootloops
- Bundle safetynet package
- Disable older version downloads
Note: For this update only, a reboot is not necessary before re-jailbreaking.