ASP.NET Core dotnet new template for scaffolding Web API projects. Default implementation includes Bearer Token authentication. Optional parameters for configuring Docker, Entity Framework Core, and NLog.
dotnet new apiscaffold -D -E -N
- bool - Optional
- Default: false / (*) true
-E|--EntityFramework : When set to true configures app to use Entity Framework Core
- bool - Optional
- Default: false / (*) true
-N|--NLog : When set to true configures app to use NLog
- bool - Optional
- Default: false / (*) true
(* Indicates the value used if the switch is provided without a value.)
After getting the project from git install the dotnet new template using the --install
option. For example:
dotnet new --install ~/Projects/dotnet/Templates/WebApiScaffold/
To run the solution in docker use the following commands.
docker build --pull -t aspnetapp .
docker run --name example --rm -it -p 8000:80 aspnetapp
Settings for JWT TokenLifeInMinutes, TokenAudience, and TokenIssuer are set in appsettings.json. For development Token Secret and Connetion Strings are stored using app secrets.
dotnet user-secrets set "JwtSettings:TokenSecret" "YOUR SECRET STRING"
dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:AppDatabase" "YOUR CONNECTION STRING"