provides multiple API tiers to access large files from numerous Static Storage Provides. Initial release
of this software includes support for loading FITS headers from Amazon Web Services Static Storage Service or a service
with HTTP Range header implemented ( Caddy, Nginx, and Apache2 )
$ pip install -U astro-cloud
Registry of Open Data on AWS provides a bucket called stpubdata
. It contains data uploaded from the Transiting
Exoplanet Survey Satellite. The type of data files we'll be working with in this tutoral are
about 44GB. If we downloaded or scanned the entire file, it'll cost about $1.05. Instead astro-cloud
scans the headers
of the FITS files and calculates the data offsets, then jumps to the next header and downloads that until all headers
have been found
#!/usr/bin/env python
from astro_cloud.fits import load_headers, CloudService, PaymentSolution
url = ''
for header in load_headers(url, CloudService.S3, PaymentSolution.AWSRequestPayer):
if header.fits.get('SIMPLE', False) is True:
header_keys = [key for key in header.fits.keys()]
print(f'Primary Header: {len(header_keys)}')
xtension = header.fits['XTENSION']
header_keys = [key for key in header.fits.keys()]
print(f'{xtension} Header Key Length: {len(header_keys)}')
#!/usr/bin/env python
from astro_cloud.fits.index.base import load_headers
url = ''
for header in load_headers(url, auth=None):
if header.fits.get('SIMPLE', False) is True:
header_keys = [key for key in header.fits.keys()]
print(f'Primary Header: {len(header_keys)}')
xtension = header.fits['XTENSION']
header_keys = [key for key in header.fits.keys()]
print(f'{xtension} Header Key Length: {len(header_keys)}')
returns as many astropy
datatypes as possible. Where ever possible everything is kept in memory and
never touches disk to help keep operations running quickly without much slowdown. There are also plans to implement
cluster computing frameworks such as DASK and Python mulitprocessing
Please feel welcome to open a conversation with us on astropy
slack channel and tell me how you'd like to use this package!
We'll be in the #fits
We're aware that there are many different ways of loading a FITS file. This package currently offers basic support of the FITS format. As more issues are discovered, we'll add support for more types of FITS files. Please open an issue and include a copy of the data you're testing against. We'll look into adding support for it
multiple API tiers provides access to perform complex operations on files being accessed from a Static Service Provider.
The highest tier being an implemantion of authentication layers for all major Static Storage Provides
- Amazon Web Services: Simple Storage Service ( AWS: S3 )
- Digital Ocean: Spaces ( Spaces by Digital Ocean ) [ planned support ]
- Google Compute Plateform: Object Storage ( GCP: Object Storage ) [ planned support ]
- Microsoft Azure: Blob Storage ( Azure: Blob Storage ) [ planned support ]
Lets load headers from a FITS file on AWS S3 inside the bucket stpubdata
#!/usr/bin/env python
from astro_cloud.fits import load_headers, CloudService, PaymentSolution
url = ''
for header in load_headers(url, CloudService.S3, PaymentSolution.AWSRequestPayer):
Of the multiple API tiers, the lowest tier is Low Level Cloud API. Downloading a whole FITS file from a Static Storage
Provider is possible by using psf/requests
or passing an AuthBase
into a different load_headers
. Underneath everything
uses the HTTP Header Range
to request partial content from a provider or service
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import requests
from import AWSAuth
from import fits
ENCODING = 'utf-8'
url = ''
filename = os.path.basename(url)
filepath = f'/tmp/{filename}'
response = requests.get(url, auth=AWSAuth(request_payer=True), headers={
'Range': 'bytes=0-2779',
assert response.status_code == 206
primary_header = fits.Header.fromstring(response.content.decode(ENCODING))
assert primary_header['SIMPLE'] is True
# Save the file to the file-system and load it with ``
streaming_response = requests.get(url, auth=AWSAuth(request_payer=True), headers={}, stream=True)
assert streaming_response.status_code == 200
with open(filepath, 'wb') as file_stream:
for part in streaming_response.iter_content(CHUNK_SIZE):
fits_file =