DS 6306 Homework Repository for SMU MSDS Program - Summer 2019
Creator: Brandon Croom ([email protected])
This repository contains homework requirements and outputs for the SMU MSDS 6306 - Doing Data Science Class for the Summer 2019 term. Variaous homework assignments may make use of code/data from others. Credit is provided in this readme.
The repository is structured in the following generic format:
- Top Level Homework Number folder
- Folder containing the Homework Requirements and any supplemental files. In all repositories this folder is 'HW_Files'
- Folder containing the Homework output that was submitted. In all repositories this folder is called 'Output'
At current the structures are as follows:
HW1 - contains the homework 1 requirements and outputs
HW2 - contains the homework 2 requirements and outputs
HW3 - contains the homework 3 requirements and outputs. NOTE: This homework leveraged the fivethirtyeight R packages and datasets
HW4 - contains the homework 4 requirements and outputs.
HW5 - contains the homework 5 requirements and outputs.