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A platform for training and competing with AI agents in classic arcade games using Stable Baselines3, Gymnasium, and the Arcade Learning Environment with staking powered by NEAR.


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Agent Arcade: AI Game Agents on NEAR

A platform for training and competing with AI agents in classic arcade games using Stable Baselines3, Gymnasium, and the Arcade Learning Environment with optional staking powered by NEAR.

🎬 Demo: Trained Agents in Action

Atari Environments Demo

Our agents learn to play classic Atari games from scratch through deep reinforcement learning. Train your own agents and compete for rewards!

🧠 Core Concepts

Deep Q-Learning

Our agents use Deep Q-Learning (DQN), a reinforcement learning algorithm that learns to play games by:

  • Observing game frames as input (what the agent "sees" to play the game).
  • Learning which actions lead to higher rewards through trial and error.
  • Using a neural network to approximate the optimal action-value function and make decisions based on the processed game state.
  • Storing and learning from past experiences (replay buffer) and improving through experience.

Interested in learning more about DQN? Check out the DQN Explained guide from Hugging Face.

Training Process

  1. Exploration Phase: Agent tries random actions to discover the game mechanics
  2. Experience Collection: Stores (state, action, reward, next_state) in memory
  3. Learning Phase: Updates its strategy by learning from past experiences
  4. Exploitation: Gradually shifts from random actions to learned optimal actions

Key Components

  • Environment: Atari games (via Gymnasium/ALE) - provides game state and handles actions
  • Agent: DQN with custom CNN - processes game frames and decides actions
  • Memory: Replay buffer - stores experiences for learning
  • Training Loop: Alternates between playing and learning from experiences

🎮 Current Games

  • Pong: Classic paddle vs paddle game (recommended for beginners)
  • Space Invaders: Defend Earth from alien invasion
  • River Raid: Control a jet, manage fuel, and destroy enemies

Interested in adding a new game? See the Adding New Games guide.

🚀 Quick Start


Core Requirements:

  • Python: Version 3.8 - 3.11 recommended (3.12 has known issues, 3.13 not supported)
  • Operating System: Linux, macOS, or WSL2 on Windows
  • Storage: At least 2GB free space
  • Memory: At least 4GB RAM recommended

Optional Requirements (for staking):

  • Node.js & npm: Required for NEAR CLI (v16 or higher)
  • NEAR Account: Required for staking and competitions
  • GPU: Optional for faster training


# Clone the repository
git clone
cd agent-arcade

# Step 1: Create virtual environment
chmod +x ./

# Step 2: Activate virtual environment (this persists in your shell)
source drl-env/bin/activate

# Step 3: Install dependencies
chmod +x ./

The installation process:

  1. creates a Python virtual environment
  2. You activate the virtual environment manually (this persists in your shell)
  3. installs all dependencies within the activated environment:
    • Required Python packages
    • Atari ROMs
    • NEAR CLI and staking dependencies (if Node.js is available)
    • Creates necessary directories
    • Verifies the installation

Note: All NEAR staking dependencies are automatically installed. No additional steps required for staking functionality.

For GPU support, an additional script is available:

chmod +x ./

Installation Troubleshooting

If you encounter issues during installation:

  1. Dependency Conflicts

    # Clean existing installations
    pip uninstall -y ale-py shimmy gymnasium
    # Install dependencies in correct order
    pip install "ale-py==0.10.1"
    pip install "shimmy[atari]==0.2.1"
    pip install "gymnasium[atari]==0.28.1"
  2. ROM Installation Issues

    # Verify ROM installation
    python3 -c "import ale_py; print(ale_py.get_roms_path())"
  3. Python Version Issues

    # Check Python version
    python3 --version  # Should be between 3.8 and 3.11
  4. Python 3.12 Compatibility Issues

    If using Python 3.12, you may encounter compatibility issues with some dependencies. These include C extension compilation errors and package dependency conflicts. We recommend using Python 3.11 for the most stable experience.

    # Create a virtual environment with Python 3.11 if available
    python3.11 -m venv drl-env

For detailed troubleshooting steps, see Installation Guide.

Verify Installation

# Check CLI is working
agent-arcade --version

# List available games
agent-arcade list-games

Training an Agent

# Train Pong agent
agent-arcade train pong --render  # With visualization
agent-arcade train pong           # Without visualization (faster)

# Train with custom config
agent-arcade train space-invaders --config models/space_invaders/config.yaml --output-dir models/space_invaders

# Train with checkpointing
agent-arcade train river-raid --checkpoint-freq 50000 --output-dir models/river_raid

# Monitor training progress
tensorboard --logdir ./tensorboard/DQN_[game]_[timestamp]

By default, models are saved to models/{game_name}/{timestamp}/ and TensorBoard logs to tensorboard/DQN_{game_name}_{timestamp}/. The training process:

  1. Initializes the environment with game-specific wrappers
  2. Creates a DQN agent with the specified parameters
  3. Trains for the defined number of timesteps (1,000,000 by default)
  4. Saves checkpoints and the final model
  5. Records training metrics for TensorBoard

After training, use the evaluate command to assess your model's performance and generate the verification token needed for score submission.

Evaluating Agents

Important: You must be logged in with your NEAR wallet before running evaluations:

agent-arcade wallet-cmd login
# Basic evaluation
agent-arcade evaluate pong models/pong/ --episodes 100

# Evaluation with rendering
agent-arcade evaluate space-invaders models/space_invaders/ --render

# Evaluation with video recording
agent-arcade evaluate river-raid models/river_raid/ --render --record

Each evaluation generates a cryptographically signed verification token required for score submission. These tokens ensure score legitimacy and are stored in ~/.agent-arcade/verification_tokens/.

Competition and Staking

# Check wallet status
agent-arcade wallet-cmd status

# First evaluate to generate verification token
agent-arcade evaluate pong models/pong/ --episodes 50

# Then submit your verified score (uses the token from evaluation)
agent-arcade stake submit pong 15

# View leaderboard (shows both local and blockchain scores)
agent-arcade leaderboard top pong

# View recent games
agent-arcade leaderboard recent pong --limit 5

# View player stats
agent-arcade leaderboard player pong

# View global stats
agent-arcade leaderboard stats

# View pool balance
agent-arcade pool balance

Successful score submissions will:

  • Record your score on both the blockchain and local leaderboard
  • Process any rewards automatically if your score meets or exceeds your target
  • Display transaction details including reward amount and transaction ID

Training Parameters

The default training configuration can be customized using a YAML file:

# Core parameters
total_timesteps: 1000000    # Total environment steps for training
learning_rate: 0.00025      # Rate at which the model updates its parameters
buffer_size: 250000         # Size of the replay buffer for experience storage
learning_starts: 50000      # Environment steps before learning begins
batch_size: 256             # Number of experiences per gradient update
exploration_fraction: 0.2   # Fraction of training spent on exploration
target_update_interval: 2000 # Steps between target network updates
frame_stack: 16             # Number of frames stacked as observation

You can create a custom config file and specify it with --config:

agent-arcade train pong --config my_custom_config.yaml

Performance Optimizations

  • Reward scaling for stable learning
  • Frame normalization (0-255 to 0-1)
  • Terminal on life loss for better exploration
  • Gradient accumulation with optimized batch sizes

📊 Monitoring & Visualization

TensorBoard Integration

  • Real-time training metrics
  • Episode rewards
  • Learning rate progression
  • Loss curves
  • Exploration rate
  • Training FPS

Video Recording

  • Automatic recording of milestone performances during the training run (stored in videos/ directory)
  • Progress visualization for workshops
  • Performance comparison tools

🔄 Development Workflow

Training locally? See the Training Guide for more details.

  1. Train baseline model:
    • Pong: ~2 hours on M-series Mac
    • Space Invaders: ~6 hours on M-series Mac
    • River Raid: Custom reward shaping, training time varies
  2. Evaluate and record performance
  3. Iterate on hyperparameters if needed
  4. Save best model for competition baseline

Each game directory contains:

  • config.yaml: Game-specific training configuration
  • checkpoints/: Saved model checkpoints during training
  • Best performing model

Complete End-to-End Workflow

# 1. Login with your NEAR wallet
agent-arcade wallet-cmd login

# 2. Train your agent
agent-arcade train pong --timesteps 1000000

# 3. Evaluate the trained model (generates verification token)
agent-arcade evaluate pong models/pong/[timestamp]/ --episodes 50

# 4. Submit your verified score to the competition
agent-arcade stake submit pong 15

# 5. Check your position on the leaderboard
agent-arcade leaderboard top pong

# 6. View your rewards and wallet balance
agent-arcade wallet-cmd status

💎 NEAR Integration (Optional)

The NEAR integration allows you to stake tokens on your agent's performance and compete for rewards. Our staking contract is written in Rust and is already deployed on testnet. To keep the repository lightweight, compiled artifacts (including the generated WASM) are ignored from version control.

Building the Staking Contract Locally

If you want to build the contract locally (for testing or to deploy your own version), follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Contract Directory:

    cd contract
  2. Build the Contract for the WASM Target:

    cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release

    This will compile the contract, and the output (e.g., a .wasm file) will be generated under the target/ directory.

  3. Note:
    The contract's compiled artifacts (including the WASM file) are not tracked in the repository to keep our codebase lightweight. We recommend rebuilding the contract locally as needed.

Using the Deployed Contract

Since our staking contract is already deployed on NEAR testnet, you can use the provided CLI commands to interact with it:

# Check your wallet status
agent-arcade wallet-cmd status

# Place a stake on your agent
agent-arcade stake place pong --model models/pong/ --amount 10 --target-score 15

# After evaluating your model
agent-arcade evaluate pong models/pong/ --episodes 50

# Submit your verified score (requires evaluation token)
agent-arcade stake submit pong 15

Scores are recorded both onchain and in your local leaderboard. The system uses cryptographic verification to ensure score legitimacy, and all rewards are automatically processed during submission.

See the Competition Guide for more details.

🤝 Contributing

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a Pull Request

📄 License



A platform for training and competing with AI agents in classic arcade games using Stable Baselines3, Gymnasium, and the Arcade Learning Environment with staking powered by NEAR.







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