What's Changed
- #116 Add Django-4.2 support.
Special thanks to Grzegorz Śliwiński, who made a significant contribution to the development of Django-4.1 support in PR #111. Using this as a springboard, we have now made it possible to support Django-4.2. - #83 Drop Django-2.2 support.
- #83 Drop Python-3.6 support.
- #127 Drop Python-3.7 support.
- #83 Drop Django-2.2 support.
- #134 Support adding COLUMN with UNIQUE; adding column without UNIQUE then add UNIQUE CONSTRAINT.
- #135 Support adding BinaryField.
- #132 Use 36 length for UUIDFields to support including hyphens. Thanks to kylie.
Bug Fixes:
- #134 inspectdb should suppress output 'id = AutoField(primary_key=True)'
- #134 fix for decreasing size of column with default by create-copy-drop-rename strategy.
- #118 fix constraint creation using the wrong table and column name. Thanks to BlueMagma.
- add django-sql-explorer for examples by @shimizukawa in #99
- update readme links by @Arhell in #113
- update links by @Arhell in #115
- Modernize formatter: use ruff instead of flake8 by @shimizukawa in #120
- Modernize packaging: use pyproject.toml instead of setup.py/cfg by @shimizukawa in #121
- add devcontainer settings for dev env by @shimizukawa in #119
- Bump the all-github-actions group with 4 updates by @dependabot in #123
- Remove using setup.py by @shimizukawa in #124
- remove codecov by @shimizukawa in #125
- Drop python 3.7 by @shimizukawa in #127
- using uv by @shimizukawa in #126
- fix bugs for testing with Redshift (include a new feature; add columun with UNIQUE) by @shimizukawa in #134
- [#135] Support adding BinaryType FIeld by @shimizukawa in #136
- [#135] Support adding BinaryType Field by @shimizukawa in #137
- closes #116: Add support for Django 4.2 by @shimizukawa in #129
- [#132] use 36 length for UUIDFields to support including hyphens by @shimizukawa in #138
- [#118] Fix: fix constraint creation using the wrong table and column name by @shimizukawa in #139
Full Changelog: 3.0.0...4.0.0