You need to have pytorch pre-installed. Easy to use download scripts can be found on their website.
$ git clone
$ cd tetrisRL
$ python install
$ pip install tetrisrl
- - DQN reinforcement learning agent trains on tetris
- - The same convolutional model as DQN trains on a dataset of user playthroughs
- - Play tetris and accumulate information as a training set
- - Evaluate a saved agent model on a visual game of tetris (i.e.)
$ python checkpoint.pth.tar
The interface is similar to an OpenAI Gym environment.
Initialize the Tetris RL environment
from engine import TetrisEngine
width, height = 10, 20
env = TetrisEngine(width, height)
Simulation loop
# Reset the environment
obs = env.clear()
while True:
# Get an action from a theoretical AI agent
action = agent(obs)
# Sim step takes action and returns results
obs, reward, done = env.step(action)
# Done when game is lost
if done:
Play games and accumulate a data set for a supervised learning algorithm to trian on. An element of data stores a (state, reward, done, action) tuple for each frame of the game.
You may notice the rules are slightly different than normal Tetris. Specifically, each action you take will result in a corresponding soft drop This is how the AI will play and therefore how the training data must be taken.
To play Tetris:
$ python
W: Hard drop (piece falls to the bottom)
A: Shift left
S: Soft drop (piece falls one tile)
D: Shift right
Q: Rotate left
E: Rotate right
At the end of each game, choose whether you want to store the information of that game in the data set. Data accumulates in a local file called 'training_data.npy'.
Run the supervised agent file and specify the standard training data file generated in the previous step as a command line argument.
$ python training_data.npy
# Start from a new randomized dqn agent
$ python
# Start from a the last recorded dqn checkpoint
$ python resume
# Specify a custom checkpoint
$ python resume supervised_checkpoint.pth.tar
The DQN agent currently optimizes on a metric of freedom of action. In essence the agent should learn to maximize the entropy of the board. A player in Tetris has the most freedom of action when the area is clear of pieces.
$ python checkpoint.pth.tar