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Create websites entirely using the Swift language (HTML & CSS DSL)

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Swift Website DSL Logo Swift Website DSL Logo

swift-website-dsl is a domain specific language (DSL) library for building websites using the Swift programming language.

While some website DSLs built in Swift abstract away HTML/CSS, this DSL doesn't. This library keeps the elements of HTML/CSS while providing the elegance of writing code in a style like SwiftUI and with the type safety of Swift. The result is a DSL that encodes the HTML spec and keeps is rooted in the familiarity of website development but leverages the power the Swift language to make it more enjoyable and less error prone.

The Swifty Notes website is an example of a site written using this library. Here is a code snippet to see what using this library is like

Html {
    Head(title: "SwiftyNotes", cssStyleFileName: "CodeColors.css")
    Body {
        Footer {
            P("Jason Zurita © 2024 | Built in Swift and ") {
                A(copy: "open source.", url: "")

Quick Start (building the example website)

To test out the DSL using the provided example website

  • Open terminal
  • Clone this repo
    • git clone
  • Change directories to the cloned project
    • cd <path>/swift-website-dsl
  • Generate the example website
    • swift run
  • Open the generated website in your browser
    • open _site/index.html

Congrats 🥳. Try and make changes to the example site, swift run again, and refresh your browser!

Getting Started (using this library)

Note: The example website and swiftynotes project setup are good examples to follow along with the below steps

  • Add the swift-website-dsl to your package.swift manifest
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
  • Make use of the library in the desired target
    .product(name: "SwiftWebsiteDSL", package: "swift-website-dsl"),
  • Import the library to get access to all the HTML elements and styling modifiers
    • import SwiftWebsiteDSL
  • To generate your website
    • Create a main.swift file like this
    • This step will define the output folder for the generated site. For example, the example website uses _site
  • Make your website module an executable in your package.swift
     products: [
         .executable(name: "<your-site-name>", targets: ["<your-site-target-name>"]),
  • To build and generate the site
    • swift run from the root directory

Tech Stack


There are two Swift modules in this repo: the example website, and the HTML eDSL.

The HTML embedded domain specific language (eDSL) was build using Swift's Result Builders to be SwiftUI like in its syntax. Knowing about HTML will help in knowing the provided elements like body and what styles can be used.

This module consumes the above HTML eDSL library. The result is a fully Swift defined site along with styling. When swift run is invoked, this module runs as an executable and generates HTML that is ready to be statically hosted and consumed by browsers.


The building block elements (e.g., H and Body tags) are individually generated in tests (including styles) and then text snapshotted using the Point-Free Snapshot Testing library. The result is that there is a high level of code coverage and that each element is locked in with the generated output HTML and given style. This further ensures the HTML spec is codified and won't break when making changes to the library. Check out the snapshots and tests.

Tests can be run locally and also automatically run in CI via the test workflow.


The output of the _site directory is a ready to go static website! For example, the SwiftyNotes site is hosted using CloudFlare pages as a static website. When a new commit is pushed to the main branch, GitHub Actions runs the tests, builds the website, and then uploads the generated site (the _site directory) for CloudFlare to host it 🚀!


Create websites entirely using the Swift language (HTML & CSS DSL)






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