Friendlier attributes to help categorize your tests.
The Xunit built in option Traits can get a little messy. Its just 2 strings representing a key and value, unless you are familiar with Xunit and the Trait attribute it looks a little magical.
Also both key and value must be specified on the commandline. This means if you decorate your test with [Trait("Category","Bug")] you cannot run only tests from a specific bug with out adding another trait ([Trait("Bug","8675309"])
- Category
- Feature
- UserStory
- Bug
- Integration Test
- Unit Test
open an issue or pull request to add more....
public void TestBug()
throw new NotImplementedException("I'm a bug");
public void TestBugWithId()
throw new NotImplementedException("I've got your number");
Using this attribute you get descriptive information and flexibility when running tests. You can run all tests marked as Bugs
xunit.console.exe ... -trait "Category=Bug"
or get more granular
xunit.console.exe ... -trait "Bug=777"