This is an open source Amiga 2000 PCB in the EATX form factor. EATX is an ATX variant that defines larger PCBs, measuring 12 x 13 inches (305 × 330 mm). These are referred to as Extended ATX, or, EATX (see Enterprise Electronics Bay Specification). The length of Zorro II cards and the abundance of components on the Amiga 2000 makes EATX the best choice for this project.
There are one-to-one board replacement projects for the Amiga 2000, but none to change the layout to meet current form factor standards. In addition, the Amiga 2000 made use of connectors and custom parts that are no longer commercially manufactured. This often requires parts to be pulled from existing machines. As such, this project will make use of only actively supported components when possible.
In addition to a new board replacement option, I believe the ubiquitous EATX standard will bring additional interest to the Amiga as a hobbyist and retro-computing option. At the time or writting this, the Amiga operating system is still actively developed and supported. In addition, there is a substantial database of existing software and hardware add-on options and an active community.
Known Issues: See Issues tab.
Revision 3.0 can be found here.
Revision 2.2 can be found here.
Revision 1.2.1 can be found here.
If you are interested in a brief history of this project, check out the Gallery page.
Review this information to ensure a smooth and happy experience when assembling an Amiga 2000 EATX system. It will answer many questions and inform you as to the physical requirements of the Amiga 2000 EATX PCB, various Amiga plug in cards, etc.
See information here.
See information here.
The Amiga 2000 EATX is derived from the Commodore Amiga 2000 Rev 6.2 schematics. To my knowledge, all known Rev 6.x PCB updates are included in this project.
The DB23 video connector has been removed in favor of the HD15 connector. One of the goals of this project is to avoid parts that are not commercially available. The D-Sub 23 connector is a prime example. They are not stocked at popular electronic supply houses. Thus, the change to the widely available HD15 connector. Analog red, green, blue, HSYNC or COMPSYNC (jumper selectable), and VSYNC are supplied using the VGA standard pin out configuration. Other external video port signals are not supplied. Any VGA cable can be used to supply the video signal to a VGA monitor or conversion box supporting the 15KHz standard.
The internal video slot is complete with all signals.
The external composite video jack has been removed.
The original 256Kx4 DRAMs have been replaced by a single SRAM. The Amiga 2000 EATX supports 1 or 2 MB of chip memory, depending on your Agnus version. See additional information in the assembly notes.
The left/right RCA jacks of the Amiga have been replaced by a 3.5mm stereo audio jack.
Internally, any Amiga compatable double density disk drive or properly configured Gotek floppy emulator is supported. Up to two internal disk drives may be connected to the internal floppy connector. Up to two external disk drives may be connected via a user supplied adapter cable.
The number of 16 bit ISA slots has been reduced to three. This was done to provide additional space on the board. Support for ISA cards via a Bridgeboard is unchanged from the Amiga 2000.
The internal (infernal) serial port has been removed. The external serial port is present with all signals.
For obvious reasons, it was necessary to move components relative to one another. Zorro slots occupy slot positions 1-5, overlapping with ISA slots in the first 3 positions. The video slot occupies the sixth slot position on the board. The CPU slot occupies position 7. It is possible to have every slot position populated simultaneously.
ATX 24-pin power supplies are supported with -5V being supplied on board via a voltage regulator. The original Amiga 2000 power supply is not supported.
The computer can be reset via CTRL-Amiga-Amiga on an Amiga keyboard or via the reset switch found on EATX computer cases.
There are two real time clock (RTC) options beginning with revision 2.x. You can install the original Amiga 2000 RTC, which is based on the MSM6242, or a simplified RTC based on the RTC-62423. The MSM6242 requires more components and will need to be trimmed to dial in the correct clock speed. The RTC-62423 has a built in crystal and does not need adjustment, but is less accurate over time. In the Amiga, the RTC is written and read by 4 address and 4 data lines. There are no direct "modern" replacements for the type of bus connected RTC used in the Amiga. As such, the RTC chip you choose is among the legacy IC's that must be obtained.
The TICK timing signal on the original Amiga 2000 was supplied by the power supply and is a 50 or 60Hz signal determined by the mains power in use. ATX power supplies do not supply a TICK or any AC signal. Starting with Revision 2.2, a TICK Header (J300) was added to support independently generated TICK signals in the event your desired configuration demands this. The factory default setting supplies a TICK signal from the Agnus _VSYNC signal, which is suitable for most configurations. See TICK HEADER for more details and considerations. All revisions 2.1 and lower use the Agnus _VSYNC signal.
The keyboard, joystick, mouse, parallel, and serial ports are all present and function as they did in the Amiga 2000. The parallel, serial, mouse, and joystick ports are stacked DB9 and DB25 connectors, respectively. The Amiga keyboard port remains a DIN5 connector.
There are no changes to the Zorro II slots.
For now, the Kickstart ROM remains the original 27C400. These are no longer made, but are easy to find. In addition, this allows the use of an original Commodore Kickstart mask ROM. Revision 1.2 added support for 1MB (27C800) and 2MB (27C160) EPROMs for custom Kickstart ROMs.
If something is not specifically mentioned, you should expect it to be unchanged in function or component from the original Amiga 2000.
- Various fixes (see closed issues flagged for Revision 3.1)
- Changed SRAM back to +5V part
- Added copper pours to top and bottom layer
- Updated to KiCAD 8.0
Rev 3.0
- Various fixes (see closed issues flagged for Revision 3.0)
- Changed SRAM to 5V tolerant 3.3V part (lack of availability of +5V part)
- Removed almost all signal traces from power planes
- Swapped position of U801 and U899 and brought related components to front of board
- Updated to KiCAD 7.0
Rev. 2.2
- Added TICK header (J300)
- Cleaned up some odd routing that went back to the early revisions of this project
- Changed footprint of CN300 to support more part options
Rev 2.1
- Changed footprint of U9000 to offer more part options
- Added U207 to buffer VSYNC and HSYNC signals
- Relocated Zorro termination components
- Added additional component values to silk screen
- Moved many traces to the external layers
Rev 2.0
- Supports both Agnus 8372A and certain Agnus 8375 part numbers on the same board
- Added external floppy drive header
- Support for two real-time clock options
- Cleaned up the schematics
Rev 1.2.1 (First Production Release)
- Added some missing component values to the silk screen, where there was room
- Moved VIDIOT over to make additional room for coprocessor cards
Rev 1.2
- Fixed traces on the keyboard connector (error on the C= schematic)
- Added missing _COPCFG trace
- Deleted some extra traces that were not needed
- Added HSYNC/COMPSYNC selection jumper
- Cleaned up parts of the schematics
- Widened U801 footprint (RTC62423 is wider than the standard SOIC package)
- Added support for 1 and 2 MB Kickstart ROMs (512k still supported)
- Added some space around the external ports...they were crowded
Rev 1.1
- New ATX on/off circuit
- Modified SRAM circuit
- Added case fan header
- Fixed U100 and other footprints
- Moved some components
- Cleaned up silk screen
Rev 1.0
- Adjusted postion of slots and several other components
- Moved ATX On/Off circuit to back of board
Rev 0 - Prototype board
kr239 - for the Amiga 500 DRAM replacement project inspiration and LIV2 and texneus for the modifications used in this project
iansbremmer - Amiga IC KiCad footprints -
texneus - ATX ON/OFF and AC TICK circuit
DarrenHD - Pics and measurements of the Amiga 3000 video slot bracket adapter -
Chucky - Amiga Diagrom...a priceless diagnostic tool -
floppie209 - For testing the Rev 3.0 board.
Everyone that made the Amiga possible.
Last Updated 02-JUN-2024