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This project is an attempt to create a recurrent neural network that segments an Australian street address into its components such that it can be more easily matched against a structured address database. The primary use-case for a model such as this is to transform legacy address data (e.g. unvalidated addresses, such as those collected on paper or by phone) into a reportable form at minimal cost. Once structured address data is produced, searching databases such as GNAF for geocoding information is much easier!
Get the latest code by installing directly from git using
pip install git+
Or from PyPI:
pip install address-net
pip install address-net[tf] # install TensorFlow (CPU version)
pip install address-net[tf_gpu] # install TensorFlow (GPU version)
You will need an appropriate version of TensorFlow installed, ideally greater than version 1.12. This is not automatically installed since the CPU and GPU versions of TensorFlow exist in separate packages.
This model performs character-level classification, assigning each a one of the following 22 classes as defined by the GNAF database:
- Separator/Blank
- Building name
- Level number prefix
- Level number
- Level number suffix
- Level type
- Flat number prefix
- Flat number
- Flat number suffix
- Flat type
- Number first prefix
- Number first
- Number first suffix
- Number last prefix
- Number last
- Number last suffix
- Street name
- Street suffix
- Street type
- Locality name
- State
- Postcode
An example result from this model for "168A Separation Street Northcote, VIC 3070" would be:
This model uses a character-level vocabulary consisting of digits,
lower-case ASCII characters, punctuation and whitespace as defined in
Python's string
package. These characters are encoded using embedding
vectors of eight units in length.
The encoded text is fed through a bidirectional three-layer 128-Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The outputs from the forward and backward pass are concatenated and fed through a dense layer with ELU activations to produce logits for each class. The final output probabilities are generated through a softmax transformation.
Regularisation is achieved in three ways:
- Data augmentation: the addresses constructed from the GNAF dataset are semi-randomly generated so that a huge variety of permutations are produced
- Noise: a random typo generator that creates plausible errors consisting of insertions, transpositions, deletions and substitutions of nearby keys on the keyboard is used for each address
- Dropout for the outputs and state is applied to the RNN layers
The data used to produce this model was from the
GNAF database
and is available under a permissive Creative Commons-like license. The
GNAF data is available as a series of SQL files that can be imported to
databases such as PostgreSQL, including a summary view named
"address_view". Code included in
was used to
consume a CSV dump of this file, producing a TFRecord file that is
natively supported by TensorFlow.
While you are free to train this model using the model_fn
a pretrained model is supplied with this package under
and is the default model loaded when using the
prediction function. Thus, using this package should be as simple as:
from addressnet.predict import predict_one
if __name__ == "__main__":
# This is a fake address!
print(predict_one("casa del gelato, 10A 24-26 high street road mount waverley vic 3183"))
Expected output:
'building_name': 'CASA DEL GELATO',
'flat_number': '10',
'flat_number_suffix': 'A',
'number_first': '24',
'number_last': '26',
'street_name': 'HIGH STREET',
'street_type': 'ROAD',
'locality_name': 'MOUNT WAVERLEY',
'state': 'VICTORIA',
'postcode': '3183'
Because the model is not sensitive to small typographical errors, a
simple string similarity algorithm is used to normalise fields such as
and state
, since we know exhaustively what they should