Cassandra Object uses ActiveModel to mimic much of the behavior in ActiveRecord.
Add the following to your Gemfile:
gem 'cassandra', :require => '0.8' gem 'jkusar-cassandra_object'
Change the version of Cassandra accordingly. Recent versions have not been backward compatible.
class Widget < CassandraObject::Base key :uuid string :name string :description integer :price array :colors, :unique => true validates :name, :presence => :true before_create do self.description = "#{name} is the best product ever" end end
CassandraObject::Base.establish_connection( :keyspace => 'my_app_development', :servers => '', :thrift => { :timeout => 20 :retries => 2 } )
Cassandra Object has equivalent methods as ActiveRecord:
widget = widget.valid? widget = Widget.create(:name => 'Acme', :price => 100) widget.update_attribute(:price, 1200) widget.update_attributes(:price => 1200, :name => 'Acme Corporation') widget.attributes = {:price => 300} widget.price_was!
widget = Widget.find(uuid) widget = Widget.first widgets = Widget.all Widget.find_each do |widget| ... end
CQL is currently not supported