This is an (un)official swift library of the datadog API! Many more features to come, but right now it supports sending metrics and events!
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
In order to run this library you need to create a file called datadog_config.plist
with two keys: api_key
and app_key
SwiftDog is availabe through Swift Package Manager. To install
it, simply add
as a Package Dependency in Xcode by navigating
to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency...
SwiftDog is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'SwiftDog', '~> 0.0.2'
The API currently supports sending metrics and events, with more features coming soon.
Currently, retrieving data is not implemented, nor is it in the plan for the future.
There are a few ways to initialize the api.
BE SURE YOU HAVE ADDED datadog_config.plist
Datadog.initialize_api(default_tags: true)
Datadog.initialize_api(agent: true)
Datadog.initialize_api(agent: true, default_tags: true)
Datadog.metric.send(metric: "ios.device.gauge", points: 1)
Datadog.metric.send(metric: "ios.test.event.sent", points: 1, type: .count(1))
Datadog.metric.send(metric: "ios.device.count", points: 1, host: nil, tags: ["device:test_device"], type: .count(1))
You can also create objects to send directly!
let gauge_metric = MetricData(host: nil, tags: ["test:1"], metric_name:"test.metric1", type: MetricData.MetricType.gauge, points: [DataPoint(timestamp: TimeInterval(1525377826.2537289), value: 1)])
let rate_metric = MetricData(host: "device:fun_ios", tags: ["test:2"], metric_name:"test.metric2", type: MetricData.MetricType.rate(10), points: [DataPoint(timestamp: TimeInterval(1525377828.2537289), value: 2)])
let count_metric = MetricData(host: "device:another_device", tags: ["test:3"], metric_name:"test.metric3", type: MetricData.MetricType.count(100), points: [DataPoint(timestamp: TimeInterval(1525377820.2537289), value: 3)])
Datadog.metric.send(series: [gauge_metric, rate_metric, count_metric])
Datadog.event.send(title: "This is a test event", text: "We can now send events from an iOS device!")
Datadog.event.send(title: "This is a test event", text: "We can now send events from an iOS device!", tags: ["method:hello"])
Datadog.event.send(title: "This is a test event", text: "We can now send events from an iOS device!", tags: ["method:hello"], date_happened: Data.currentDate())
Datadog.event.send(title: "This is a test event", text: "We can now send events from an iOS device!", tags: ["method:hello"], date_happened: Data.currentDate(), priority: .low)
Datadog.event.send(title: "This is a test event", text: "We can now send events from an iOS device!", tags: ["method:hello"], date_happened: Data.currentDate(), priority: .normal, alert_type: .error)
Datadog.event.send(title: "This is a test event", text: "We can now send events from an iOS device!", tags: ["method:hello"], date_happened: Data.currentDate(), priority: .normal, alert_type: .error, aggregation_key: "host")
Datadog.event.send(title: "This is a test event", text: "We can now send events from an iOS device!", tags: ["method:hello"], date_happened: Data.currentDate(), priority: .normal, alert_type: .error, aggregation_key: "host", source_type_name: "mobile")
Like metrics, you can create an event and send it too.
let e: EventData = EventData(host: "ios", tags:[], title: "test title", text: "test text", date_happened: 1525412871, priority: .normal, alert_type: .info, aggregation_key: nil, source_type_name: nil)
Datadog.event.send(series: [e])
Jacob Aronoff, [email protected]
SwiftDog is available under the APACHE license. See the LICENSE file for more info.