This plugin provides a go(lang) adapter for the Neotest framework.
Using packer:
requires = {
-- Your other test adapters here
config = function()
-- get neotest namespace (api call creates or returns namespace)
local neotest_ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace("neotest")
virtual_text = {
format = function(diagnostic)
local message =
diagnostic.message:gsub("\n", " "):gsub("\t", " "):gsub("%s+", " "):gsub("^%s+", "")
return message
}, neotest_ns)
-- your neotest config here
adapters = {
The above mentioned vim.diagnostic.config
is optional but recommended if you
enabled the diagnostic
option of neotest. Especially testify
makes heavy use of tabs and newlines in the error messages, which reduces the readability of
the generated virtual text otherwise.
You can also supply optional arguments to the setup function if you want to
enable experimental features or provide more arguments to go test
adapters = {
experimental = {
test_table = true,
args = { "-count=1", "-timeout=60s" }
By default go test
runs for currecnt package only. If you want to run it recursively you need to set:
adapters = {
recursive_run = true
NOTE: all usages of require('neotest')
can be mapped to a command in your config (this is not included and should be done by the user)
To test a single test hover over the test and run require('neotest')
NOTE: Please note that testify
test methods cannot be run using this function
as go test
cannot run these tests individually using the -run
To test a file run require('neotest')'%'))
To test a directory run require('neotest')"path/to/directory")
To test the full test suite run require('neotest')"path/to/root_project")
e.g. require('neotest')
, presuming that vim's directory is the same as the project root
Additional arguments for the go test command can be sent using the extra_args
field e.g.
require('neotest'){path, extra_args = {"-race"}})
This project is maintained by the nvim golang community. Please raise a PR if you are interested in adding new functionality or fixing any bugs If you are unsure of how this plugin works please read the Writing adapters section of the Neotest README.
If you are new to lua
please follow any of the following resources:
Unit tests are written with the plenary busted framework. They can be run in a shell with
nvim --headless -c ':PlenaryBustedDirectory lua/spec'