XlsXcessive provides a Python API for writing Excel/OOXML compatible .xlsx spreadsheets. It generates the XML and uses openpack to wrap it up into an OOXML compatible ZIP file.
The starting point for generating an .xlsx file is a workbook:
from xlsxcessive.workbook import Workbook workbook = Workbook()
The workbook alone isn't very useful. Multiple worksheets can be added to the workbook and contain the cells with data, formulas, etc. Worksheets are created from the workbook and require a name:
sheet1 = workbook.new_sheet('Sheet 1')
Add some cells to the worksheet:
sheet1.cell('A1', value='Hello, world') sheet1.cell('B1', value=7) sheet1.cell('C1', value=3.14) sheet1.cell('D1', value=decimal.Decimal("19.99"))
Strings, integers, floats and decimals are supported.
Add cells via row index and column index:
sheet1.cell(coords=(0, 4), value="Added via row/col index")
This form of addressing is useful when iterating over data structures to populate a sheet with cells.
Cells can also contain formulas. Formulas are created with a string representing
the formula code. You can optionally supply a precalcuated value and a
boolean flag to share the formula across a number of
cells. The first cell to reference a shared formula as its value is the master
cell for the formula. Other cells may also reference the formula:
formula = sheet1.formula('B1 + C1', shared=True) sheet1.cell('C2', formula) # master sheet1.cell('D2', formula) # shared, references the master formula
The library contains basic support for styling cells. The first thing to do is create a style format. Style formats are shared on a stylesheet on the workbook:
bigfont = workbook.stylesheet.new_format() bigfont.font(size=24, bold=True)
Apply the format to cells:
sheet1.cell('A2', 'HI', format=bigfont)
Other supported style transformations include cell alignment and borders:
col_header = workbook.stylesheet.new_format() col_header.align('center') col_header.border(bottom='medium')
It is possible to adjust column widths on a sheet. The column width is specified by either number or index:
# these are the same column sheet1.col(index=0, width=10) sheet1.col(number=1, width=10)
TODO: Referencing columns by letters.
Cells can be merged together. The left-most cell in the merge range should contain the data:
from xlsxcessive.worksheet import Cell a3 = sheet1.cell('A3', 'This is a lot of text to fit in a tiny cell') a3.merge(Cell('D3'))
You can save the generated OOXML data to a local file or to an output file stream:
# local file save(workbook, 'financials.xlsx') # stream save(workbook, 'financials.xlsx', stream=sys.stdout)
This is certainly a work in progress. The focus is going to be on improving the features that can be written out in the .xlsx file. That means more data types, styles, metadata, etc. I also want to improve the validation of data before it is written in an incorrect manner and Excel complains about it. I don't think this library will ever be crafted to read .xlsx files. That's a job for another library that can hate its life.