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Dynamic backend plugins showcase

Important note

This repository was initially created to showcase the ongoing work on dynamic plugin loading in backstage for backend plugins only.

Building on top of this initial work, some more progress has been made by the Janus community.

Now the Janus Showcase backstage distribution provides support for dynamic plugins on both the back-end and front-end, with the ability to configure them without any code change or rebuild of the backstage application.

This is an early work, and the goal is to integrate, as time goes by, the various improvements made in the Janus community into the backstage main repository.

So you might want to go to the Janus Showcase repository if you want to easily get a taste of dynamic plugins with the latest improvements,


This repository contains everything needed to allow testing, experimenting and exploring the experimental dynamic backend plugins feature provided by the new backend-plugin-manager package introduced in PR #18862 according to Backstage RFC #18390.

It contains:

  • front-end and back-end applications that are enabled to support dynamic backend plugins, along with the related configuration file.
  • example dynamic plugins that can be used to test the dynamic backend plugins feature.

Here is demo following the steps proposed below




  • You should work at the root of your backstage reporitory.

  • The content of this dynamic-backend-plugins-showcase repository should be copied into a dynamic-backend-plugins-showcase folder at the root of your backstage repository, typically by running the following command in the root of your backstage repository:

    mkdir -p dynamic-backend-plugins-showcase
    curl -s -L | tar -xz -C dynamic-backend-plugins-showcase --strip-components=1
  • Copy the dynamic-plugin-enabled backstage application packages to the backstage application:

    cp -R dynamic-backend-plugins-showcase/apps/{app-for-dynamic,backend-next-for-dynamic} packages

NOTE: The app-for-dynamic package contains no change related to dynamic backend plugin support. It is provided only for the purpose of containing the same minimal list of plugins as the dynamic-plugin-enaled backend applications, in order to make testing easier

  • Install the dependencies of the dynamic plugin enabled backstage application packages:

    yarn install

In development mode

  • Add the following at the end of the app-config.local.yaml file in your backstage repository root directory:

      rootDirectory: dynamic-plugins-root
  • Create the dynamic-plugins-root directory in the root of your backstage repository.

  • For any example dynamic plugin provided in the dynamic-backend-plugins-showcase/plugins root directory, that you want to use, export it and install it into the dynamic-plugins-root directory by running the export-plugin yarn script in the dynamic plugin directory.

    For example, if you want to install the catalog-backend-module-test dynamic plugin, run the following command in the dynamic-backend-plugins-showcase/plugins/catalog-backend-module-test directory:

    yarn install && yarn export-dynamic --dev

    After building and exporting the dynamic plugin to the dist-dynamic sub-directory, the --dev argument will create a symbolic link, in the dynamic-plugins-root directory, to the dist-dynamic sub-directory of the exported dynamic plugin package.

    It also links, inside the dist-dynamic exported package, to the src folder of the dynamic plugin, so that any break-point set in ../dist-dynamic/src code will be hit when debugging a backstage application with the dynamic plugin installed.

  • Start the frontend application, by running the following command in the backstage root directory:

    yarn workspace example-app-for-dynamic start
  • Start the backend application of your choice (legacy or next backend system), by running the following command in the backstage root directory:

    yarn workspace example-backend-next-for-dynamic start

In production mode

  • In your backstage root directory, run one of the following command to build the dynamic-plugins-enabled backend next application:

    yarn workspace example-backend-next-for-dynamic build

    This should create a bundle.tar.gz file in the dist sub-directory of either packages/backend-for-dynamic or packages/backend-next-for-dynamic, depending on the backend you chose to build.

  • Extract the bundle.tar.gz file into the dist-workspace sub-directory of your backstage root directory:

    mkdir -p dist-workspace


    tar -xzf packages/backend-next-for-dynamic/dist/bundle.tar.gz -C dist-workspace
  • Change directory to the extracted directory:

    cd dist-workspace
  • Download all the dependencies of the backend application, by running the following command:

    yarn workspaces focus --all --production
  • For each example dynamic plugin located in dynamic-backend-plugins-showcase/plugins, build and export the dynamic plugin package by running the following command directly in the dynamic plugin directory:

    yarn install && yarn export-dynamic

    It will create a dist-dynamic sub-directory in the dynamic plugin directory, containing the exported dynamic plugin package.

  • In your dist-workspace production application root, create a dynamic-plugins-root directory, and copy the dist-dynamic sub-directory of any dynamic plugin you want to use into it, renamed with the name of the dynamic plugin. For example:

    mkdir dynamic-plugins-root
    for plugin in ../dynamic-backend-plugins-showcase/plugins/*; do
      mkdir -p dynamic-plugins-root/$(basename $plugin)
      cp -R $plugin/dist-dynamic/* dynamic-plugins-root/$(basename $plugin)
  • Start the backend application by running the following command in your dist-workspace production application root:

    NODE_ENV=development node packages/backend-next-for-dynamic --config $(pwd)/../app-config.yaml --config $(pwd)/../dynamic-backend-plugins-showcase/apps/app-config.dynamic-plugins-test.yaml

    NOTE: The development value of the NODE_ENV environment variable is only used here to make testing easier, by bypassing some authentication requirements enforced in real production mode.

Provided Example dynamic plugins

The example dynamic plugins are provided to:

  • showcase the various features of the dynamic backend plugins,
  • while providing a consistent demo experience.


This dynamic plugin is a wrapper on the external @roadiehq/scaffolder-backend-module-http-requestplugin to make the http:backstage:request scaffolder action available as a dynamic plugin.

This plugin shows:

  • how to wrap a third-party plugin as a dynamic plugin,
  • that dynamic plugins support scaffolder contributions.


This dynamic plugin provides a module that contributes an event http endpoint for the test-dynamic-plugins event topic. This will allow to send events to the test-dynamic-plugins event topic through the /events/http/test-dynamic-plugins backend endpoint.

This plugin shows:

  • how to create a dynamic plugin from scratch,
  • that dynamic plugins support events contributions.


This dynamic plugin is based on the explore-backend plugin, but completes it with additional features, and provides the resulting features as a dynamic plugin.

In addition to providing the explore backend endpoint, fed with the typical exampleTools static list of tools, it also implements an additional tool and adds its URL to the tools list: the Browser Event Sink tool. This tool :

  • exposes a dedicated front-end page at the given URL,
  • forwards test-dynamic-plugins events received by backstage to the front-end through

This plugin shows:

  • how dynamic plugins can extend the functionality of an existing plugin,
  • that dynamic plugins can have their own dependencies ( dependencies) which will be loaded privately when the plugin will be loaded inside the backstage backend application.


This dynamic plugin is a wrapper on the external @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-exploreplugin to make the explore search collator available as a dynamic plugin.

This plugin shows that dynamic plugins support search contributions.


This dynamic plugin provides a module that contributes an EntitypPovider to the catalog backend system.

It adds a location with the templates contained in its templates folder, so that 3 templates which use the http:backstage:request scaffolder action will become automatically available as soon as the dynamic plugin is loaded:

  • List Explore Tools: hits the explore backend endpoint to list the tools,
  • Get Browser Event Sink Tool URL: retrieves the URL of the Browser Event Sink tool.
  • Send Message Event: sends a message event to the test-dynamic-plugins http endpoint.

Proposed Demo Path

  • Start Without any dynamic plugin installed: the backstage application doesn't contain any entity or location; search doesn't return any result, the /explore/tools endpoint is unavailable as is the /events/http/test-dynamic-plugins endpoint.

  • Add the scaffolder-backend-module-http-request-wrapped dynamic plugin in the dynamic plugins root and restart. You will see that the http:backstage:request scaffolder action is now available in the scaffolder.

  • Add the events-backend-module-test dynamic plugin in the dynamic plugins root and restart. You will see that the /events/http/test-dynamic-plugins endpoint is now available.

  • Add the explore-backend-completed dynamic plugin in the dynamic plugins root and restart. You will see that the /explore/tools endpoint is now available, and that the Browser Event Sink tool is now available in the tools list.

  • Add the search-backend-module-explore-wrapped dynamic plugin in the dynamic plugins root and restart. You will see that the Explore tools now appear in the search results.

  • Add the catalog-backend-module-test dynamic plugin in the dynamic plugins root and restart. You will see that the dynamic-plugins-test-templates-location location has been added to the catalog, and that the 3 templates provided by the dynamic plugin are now available in the scaffolder:

    • Use the List Explore Tools to query the explore/tools endpoint and get a filtered list of tools.
    • Use the Get Browser Event Sink Tool URL to open the Browser Event Sink URL in a distinct tab.
    • Use the Send Message Event to send a message event to the test-dynamic-plugins http endpoint, and notice that the message is displayed in the Browser Event Sink tool (having been forwarded to the browser by the explore-backend-completed dynamic plugin through


About the expected dynamic plugin structure

Due to some limitations of the current backstage codebase, and to ensure compatibility with the legacy backend system (until it is replaced by the next backend), the plugins need to be completed and repackaged to by used as dynamic plugins:

  1. they must provide a named entry point of a specific type (which can be found in the src/dynamic sub-folder of each dynamic plugin example), at least for the legacy backend (for the new backend system, default export of the BackendFeature can be automatically detected and used).
  2. they would have a modified package.json file in which dependencies are updated to share @backstage dependencies with the main application.
  3. they may embed some dependency whose code is then merged with the plugin code.

Points 2 and 3 are done by the export-dynamic yarn scripts, which use the export-dynamic-plugin CLI command to perform the repackaging

About the export-dynamic-plugin command

The export-dynamic-plugin CLI command, used by the yarn export-dynamic scripts in the dynamic plugin examples, is part of the Janus-IDP @backstage/cli fork (@dfatwork-pkgs/[email protected]), and is used here to help packaging the dynamic plugins according to the constraints mentioned above, in order to allow straightforward testing of the dynamic plugins feature.

However the backend-plugin-manager experimental package doesn't depend on the use of this additional CLI command, and in future steps of this backend dynamic plugin work, the use of such a dedicated command might not even be necessary.

About the support of the legacy backend system

The backend dynamic plugins feature clearly targets the new backend system. However if it should absolutely be tested or explored on the legacy backend, a dedicated example backend application is provided in a dedicated showcase repository.


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