Go package for parsing csgo server logfiles. It exports types for csgo logfiles, their regular expressions, a function for parsing and a function for converting to non-html-escaped JSON.
For more examples look at the tests and the command-line utility in examples folder. Have also a look at godoc.
package main
import (
func main() {
var msg csgolog.Message
// a line from a server logfile
line := `L 11/05/2018 - 15:44:36: "Player<12><STEAM_1:1:0101011><CT>" purchased "m4a1"`
// parse into Message
msg, err := csgolog.Parse(line)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(msg.GetType(), msg.GetTime().String())
// cast Message interface to PlayerPurchase type
playerPurchase, ok := msg.(csgolog.PlayerPurchase)
if ok != true {
panic("casting failed")
fmt.Println(playerPurchase.Player.SteamID, playerPurchase.Item)
// get json non-htmlescaped
jsn := csgolog.ToJSON(msg)
Example JSON output:
"time": "2018-11-05T15:44:36Z",
"type": "PlayerPurchase",
"player": {
"name": "Player",
"id": 12,
"steam_id": "STEAM_1:1:0101011",
"side": "CT"
"item": "m4a1"