it's a simple little plugin but it does what it's supposed to in just 745 bytes when minified & gzipped.
Just a simple plugin that makes any image you have a fullscreen background image without breaking the aspect ratio of your image.
To use simply create a container with an image inside then pass this container into the fullscreenimage() jquery plugin.
you can define the maxUpscale ratio, in doing so you can trigger when the raster will start appearing to hide some of those nasty upscaling effects.
set your own path to a custom raster image. the demo folder contains a simple 8 bit png with a black 2px by 2px raster image but a different colour may work better for your images
turn the raster overlay off entirely by setting 'showRaster' to false.
easily set the vertical anchor point of the enlargement.
maxUpscale: 1 (upscale ratio, eg: 1.5 would upscale the image to 150%, then use the rasterImg overlay) rasterImg: '/static/img/raster.png' (a 2px raster that neatly disguises the bad effects of image upscaling) showRaster: true | false (easily disable the raster all together) vAlign: 'center' | 'top' | 'bottom' (set the anchor point of the image's vertical axis)
This little plugin has been tested in Internet Explorer 6+, Opera 10.6, Firefox 3.6+, Google Chrome & Safari 5, if you notice any bugs please let me know.
Minified & Gzipped this plugin is just 745 bytes.
Sure… here you go.