This library is used to get messages from flespi gateway channel and handle it via specified approach.
Getting started: This library is written using ayncio library for Python 3.5 version. To run the example script do:
1. make init: initialize local virtual environment with python3.5
2. make build: builds the project of flespi_reciever and swagger_client modules
3. make test: runs test/ script
- import module
import flespi_receiver
- initiate flespi_receiver object
receiver = flespi_receiver.flespi_receiver()
- configure object with:
- id of a channel where to read messages
- Token key (without FlespiToken keyword) to provide access to the channel
- timeout - request will wait for new messages for the specified amount of seconds
- delete_flag - point True if successfuly handled messags may be removed
- start_key - point curr_key pointing to the beginning of messages bunch to be read
api_key = 'your_api_key'
channel_id = 0
timeout = 10
delete_flag = True
start_key = 0
receiver.configure(channel_id, api_key, timeout, delete_flag, start_key)
- create handlers and add it to the receiver object
stdout_handler1 = flespi_receiver.stdout_handler_class(stdout=1)
- start the receiving and peocessing process
receiver will generate GET /channels/channel_id/messages request returning bunch of messages from the channel
for each bunch of messages every handler will be used in an asynchronos way.
When all handlers return - next GET /messages request will be sent. So if one of the handlers will stuck - no new GET /messages requests will besent.
Available handlers: