Mozilla WebThings Gateway is an open-source framework for controlling WebThings.
This skill extends the CommonIoTSkill
so many utterances should work. The skill registers an entity for each Thing on your gateway. It uses the name of each Thing, so your utterance should follow something like "turn on {}" or "set {} {property} to {value}".
- "Turn on the office light"
- "Turn off bedroom lights"
- "Set the office lamp brightness to 50"
Mycroft AI (@mycroftai) jamesmf (@jamesmf)
#homeautomation #iot #mozilla #smarthome #mozillaiot #mozillagateway
You'll need to specify the hostname for your device - either {subdomain} or your local endpoint
You can get a developer's access token on the Settings > Developer > Create Local Authorization
page of your gateway interface. Paste that into the "Access token" field.