This is a vanilla PHP project utilizing MySQL as its database. The CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application is designed for managing school alumni and events. I developed this project as part of an Advanced Web Development course.
This app comprises alumni registration functionality. After registering, alumni can log in to their accounts to view other alumni and edit their information. The user's information is stored in cookies to enable seamless access.
The second component involves events. The admin can register events, and these events are showcased on the homepage for all users to see.
In the third part, the admin can edit and delete alumni profiles as needed.
This serves as the application's entry point, where users can access information about ongoing events. Users also have the option to register or log in if they are already registered.

Users can input their information, and upon successful registration, they are redirected to the login page. In the event of an unsuccessful registration, they are redirected back.

Only registered users can log in. If the user is registered and enters the correct login credentials, they are redirected to their respective page. User information is saved in the session to be used for authorization.

After successfully logging into the user profile, he/she can edit their information, log out, return to the homepage, or access their profile card. Additionally, they can view the profiles of other alumni.

Any logged-in user can view the profile card.

Each alumnus has the power to edit his or her information. When the alumni click the edit link, they are redirected to the edit page with the form pre-populated with their information. They can then modify the information they want to change and submit the form. After successfully updating the information, they are redirected back to their respective page.

On this page, the admin can delete or edit alumni information, as well as register events.

This feature is exclusive to administrators, allowing them to register new events. As an admin, you can utilize this section to add and manage upcoming events for the alumni community.

This project is a personal endeavor, so it's advised not to use it for critical purposes. Keep in mind that there may be security concerns, and certain best practices may be both followed and overlooked. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated!
Feel free to reach out to me via email if you have any inquiries about this project or if you're interested in collaborating:
Email: [email protected]
Looking forward to hearing from you!