Display files size difference between before and after point of pipeline stream. Designed for measuring efficiency minifying tools like uglify or cssnano.
This package was created for my other project disco-gulp look here for full examples. Based on gulp-sizediff but provides more flexible output, and some refactoring to modern JS
$ npm install --save-dev gulp-size-difference
import sizeDifference from 'gulp-size-difference';
gulp.src(currentPaths.development.js + "**/*.js")
errorHandler: errorHandler
.pipe(sizeDifference.stop({title: `JS ${group}`}))
.pipe(rename({"suffix": ".min"}))
.on("end", _ => {
[00:00:00] Starting 'post-js'...
[00:00:00] JS example1.js (saved 116 B - 39%)
[00:00:00] JS example2.js (saved 0 B - 0%)
[00:00:00] Finished 'post-js' after 72 ms
[00:00:00] Starting 'post-js'...
[00:00:00] JS all files (saved 4.83 kB - 41.8%)
[00:00:00] Finished 'post-js' after 74 ms
Creates a new property on the file object that saves its current size.
Counts and outputs the difference between saved size and the current filesize.
Type: string
Default: ''
Give it a title so it's possible to distinguish the output of multiple instances logging at once.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Run formatData for every file instead of just the total size diff.
Type: function
Default: 'formatData()'
Customise the output of this by using the format function. An example:
const formatDiff = (title = '', file = '', data = {}, isFile = false) => {
title = title ? chalk.cyan(title) : title;
file = file ? ' ' + chalk.green(file) : file;
let message = `${title}${file}`;
if (isFile) {
message += chalk.white(` ~ saved ${prettyBytes(data.diffBytes)} (${Math.round(data.diffPercent * 100)}%)`);
} else {
const stats = [
`Files count: ${data.filesCount}`,
`Initial size: ${prettyBytes(data.initialSize)}`,
`Final size: ${prettyBytes(data.finalSize)}`,
`Difference bytes: ${prettyBytes(data.diffBytes)}`,
`Difference percent: ${Math.round(data.diffPercent * 100)}%`,
`Compression ratio: ${data.compressionRatio.toFixed(2)}`
stats.forEach(filePath => {
message += chalk.white(`\n\r${filePath}`);
import sizeDifference from 'gulp-size-difference';
gulp.src(currentPaths.development.js + "**/*.js")
errorHandler: errorHandler
.pipe(sizeDifference.stop({title: `JS ${group}`, customFormat: formatDiff}))
.pipe(rename({"suffix": ".min"}))
.on("end", _ => {
[00:00:00] Starting 'post-js'...
[00:00:00] JS example1.js ~ saved 116 B (39%)
[00:00:00] JS example2.js ~ saved 0 B (0%)
[00:00:00] Finished 'post-js' after 72 ms
[00:00:00] Starting 'post-js'...
[00:00:00] JS all files
Files count: 2
Initial size: 190 B
Final size: 74 B
Difference bytes: 116 B
Difference percent: 39%
Compression ratio: 0.61
[00:00:00] Finished 'post-js' after 74 ms
Type: string
String given with sizeDiff.stop()
Type: string
String relative path to file or all files text.
Type: Object
Difference data object
- Files count: data.filesCount
- Initial size: data.initialSize
- Final size: data.finalSize
- Difference bytes: data.diffBytes
- Pretty initial size: data.prettyInitialSize
- Pretty final size: data.prettyFinalSize
- Pretty difference bytes: data.prettyDiffBytes
- Difference percent: data.diffPercent
- Compression ratio: data.compressionRatio
Type: Object
Passed options object for detecting output mode.