Display the total file size difference between before and after runnning your gulp tasks
It's not the plugin with absolutely same functionality as gulp-size. It's build on it's source, but has different purpose.
$ npm install --save-dev gulp-sizediff
var gulp = require('gulp');
var bytediff = require('gulp-sizediff');
var csso = require('gulp-csso');
gulp.task('default', function() {
Creates a new property on the file object that saves its current size.
Counts and outputs the difference between saved size and the current filesize.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Displays the size diff of every file instead of just the total size diff.
Type: string
Default: ''
Give it a title so it's possible to distinguish the output of multiple instances logging at once.
Type: function
Default: ''
Customise the output of this by using the format function. An example:
var sizeDiffFormat = function (data) {
return ': bytes saved: ' + data.diff + ' (' + Math.round(data.diffPercent * 100) + '%); compression ratio: ' + data.compressionRatio.toFixed(2);
// ...
.pipe($.sizediff.stop({title:'html', formatFn: sizeDiffFormat}))
The function gets passed an object with the following properties:
- startSize
- endSize
- diff (startSize - endSize)
- diffPercent (endSize / startSize)
- compressionRatio (diff / startSize)
MIT © Alexander Kureniov
Sindre Sorhus for gulp-size plugin Ben Briggs for gulp-bytediff plugin
The ideas from this two good plugins were taken and merged in this one. Thanks.