Jaeho Kim [email protected]
This is an implementation of matrix multiplication algorithm with python. The repository contains a report, code, and a jupyter file. All codes are in python
- Schoolbook Matrix multiplication
- Naive Divide and Conquer multiplication
- Strassen
- Strassen Optimized
To run the algorithm you should have a "input.txt" file in the directory where you are running the python scripts.
# Standard matrix multiplication
python schoolbook_multiplication.py
# Standard naive divide and conquer multiplication
python divide_and_conquer.py
# Standard Strassen
python strassen_base.py
# Standard Strassen leaf size 4
python strassen_optimized_leaf4.py
# To compare everything and get time_comparison.csv
python all.py
There is also a Jupyter file to draw graphs.
It took me so long to figure out why Strassen takes longer implementation time than standard matrix multiplication even though it has a lower algorithm complexity. To answer this check stackoverflow.
Another article you can check out is here
For those who are just to lazy to check out, here is a simple answer. Our standard Strassen makes a recursive call until n equals to 1. This increases the constant time which in theory shouldn't be a problem. But you know, this isn't theory. Its real shiit! So it does matter in reality. We can opimize the time by calling the recusive call until n equals to 2,4,8 ~. Hope someone finds this useful.If I got it wrong please leave a comment on issue! would love to know
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