This project aims to make the analysis of tectonic plates and major earthquakes easier for the user of the apps. It will provide a quick review of where tectonic plates lie in the world and where the major earthquakes occurred.
Data Visualization
HML JavaScript D3
This analysis aims to showcase the earthquake data concerning the tectonic plates’ location on the earth. All the earthquakes with a magnitude above 4.5 and the significant earthquakes for the past seven days are displayed. The analysis also makes it easier for the users to toggle layer control to choose the information they would like to see. The study also adds pop up that displays the location and magnitude of the earthquake to each circle that indicate the earthquakes.
- frontend developers
- writeup/reporting
The data shows that, tectonic plates lies in North American, Pacific, Eurasian, African, Indo-Australian, Australian, Indian, South American and Antarctic.
Tectonic plate is a section in which earth is cracked. From the analysis, it is shows that there are nine major tectonic plates in the world.
The data also that earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.5 and above occur in the middle and coastal line of of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean as its shows in the chart below.
The major earthquakes that occurred in that past 7 days clustered along coastal line of South American countries, Alaska, Australia and Asia.
All the data(tectonic, Earthquakes and Major Earthquakes) can be viewed together as below. It can be duduced from the chart that, All earthquakes both major and minor lie along the tectonic plates.