Warning: Play at your own risk.
Have you ever wondered to yourself: "Why do I need files?".
Maybe you don't need files. Atleast, maybe you don't need all your files.
Why not play Rustian Roulette and let the RNG Gods decide what files are unworthy of continued existence.
- By default, deletes one random file or directory in your home directory with 1/6th probability.
- Specify root path and 1/x probability.
- Built with rust, so you know your files will be deleted with guaranteed memory safety, thread safety and efficiently with zero-cost abstractions 🚀 🚀 🚀
Install and run via cargo:
cargo install rustian-roulette
~ rr
Path = /Users/jackyzhen, Chances = 1/6 (16.67%)
If you are unlucky, this will delete random file(s) in above path. Are you sure you want to play? <Y,y,YES,yes>: y
✝💀/Users/jackyzhen/.bashrc💀✝ *BANG*
Prebuild binaries for all platforms coming soon (maybe).
Files were most certainly harmed in the making of this existential experiment.
"Inspired" by rmraf.
This project is licensed under GLWTPL.