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shiny app for investigating the current trajectory of HIV care

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This model forms the basis of the shiny application available online here. The backend of the model consists of a deterministic model of HIV care written in C, source code available here.

Accessing 'CascadeDashboard'

By far the easiest way of acccessing the dashboard is through the online version hosted by Rstudio -

However, some users may like to store a version locally on their machine. This can be achieved by downloading the app as a 'package', but assumes prior working knowledge of R and git:


This method provides the 'CascadeDashboard' as a standalone R package that downloads all it's dependencies in one go.

To install this package open R in the command line (ensuring devtools has been installed) and run the following:



A potential error may arise if the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' (GDAL) and Google's V8 engine are not installed. In the absence of GDAL, the app is still fully functional, however the interactive map will be disabled.

To rectify the situation, run the following command on linux / Mac OS X machines:

sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends --force-yes install libgdal-dev libproj-dev libv8-dev

This will install the following using apt-get:

  • libgdal-dev
  • libproj-dev
  • libv8-dev

Windows builds are tested using AppVeyor

Please open an issue or email me at [email protected] if you encounter any problems.

Copyright 2017 Jack Olney