You've done the Chisel Bootcamp, and now you are ready to start your own Chisel project. The following procedure should get you started with a clean running Chisel3 project.
You can create a project from this template using the command line or using the Github UI to create a repository from this one.
Please see the <TODO website link> for instructions on installing dependencies.
This repository is a Giter8 template so can be used via the various tools' APIs.
Using Scala CLI
scala-cli --power new jackkoenig/chisel-template.g8
Using Mill
mill init jackkoenig/chisel-template.g8
Using SBT
sbt new jackkoenig/chisel-template.g8
Using Giter8
g8 jackkoenig/chisel-template.g8
You can create your own repository from this template by clicking the green Use this template
in the top right.
Please leave Include all branches
unchecked; checking it will pollute the history of your new repository.
For more information, see "Creating a repository from a template".
After using the template to create your own blank project, please wait a minute or two for the Template cleanup
workflow to run which will removes some template-specific stuff from the repository (like the LICENSE).
Refresh the repository page in your browser until you see a 2nd commit by actions-user
titled Template cleanup
Check out the Chisel website for documentation and the users community page for links to get in contact!
The below is used to generate the README for projects using this template
This project was created from
Compile everything and run the included test:
Using Mill
mill $name;format="camel"$.test
Using SBT
sbt test