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My name is Jared, I'm a Software Engineer and Machine Learning Ph.D. student (currently on hiatus). I conduct research on identifying new ways of leveraging innovations in machine learning to make network management more accessible and robust. I also enjoy digital art and design, and am interested in creating technical art at the intersection of programming and artistic design.
Check out my site! https://j-red.github.io/
I completed my B.S. in Math, Computer Science, and Music Technology in March 2022 and now work as a Software Engineer.
I am passionate about both machine learning and data science, as well as art, music, and digital technologies. In my limited spare time I enjoy tinkering with old electronics, developing algorithmic soundscapes, designing 3D sculptures, and building the occasional silly website.
Check out my 3D Demo Reel here!
- Published “ARISE: A Multi-Task Weak Supervision Framework for Network Measurements,” in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2022.3180783.
- Graduated summa cum laude with University and Departmental Honors.
- Phillip W. and Judy A. Seeley Graduate Fellowship in Computer and Information Science ($6000)
- Ripple University Blockchain Research Initiative Scholarship ($5000)
- Vice President for Research and Innovation (VPRI) Fellowship ($5000)
- Phillip Seeley Scholarship in Computer and Information Science ($1000)
- Jean Wittemyer Memorial Scholarship ($2000)
- Ripple University Blockchain Research Initiative Scholarship ($5000)
- Clark Honors College Outstanding Achievement Scholarship ($1000)
- Louise Bishop Study Abroad Scholarship ($2000)
- Ripple University Blockchain Research Initiative Scholarship ($5000)
- OSAC LHS Outstanding Achievement & Need Award ($4000)
The best way to reach me is by carrier pigeon, though email email works too.
jared <at> cs.uoregon.edu