'weewx2hass' is an all-in-one tool that uses 'sqlite3' and 'mosquitto_pub' to poll the SQLite data-base of weewx and to send extracted data to a MQtt broker. The MQtt uses JSON data as its payload so that it can be interpreted easily by 'Home Assistant'. The tool also generates the required sensor definitions in Yaml format. Finally a systemd service file can be generated.
Load the full version from github (everything is in one bash script):
wget raw.githubusercontent.com/j-pfennig/weewx2hass/refs/heads/main/weewx2hass
The is a simplified non-configurable version of this script that may help you to understand how it works:
wget raw.githubusercontent.com/j-pfennig/weewx2hass/refs/heads/main/weewx2hass-temp-only
This script uses an embedded version of 'mini-bash-lib'. This is not relevant for using it, but for the curious:
Try these commands to make it work:
weewx2hass --help # display a help page
weewx2hass --show config /etc/default/weewx2hass # make config template
editor /etc/default/weewx2hass # edit configuration
weewx2hass --show yaml # sensor configuration
weewx2hass --show mqtt # mosquitto configuration
# create service file ...
weewx2hass --show systemd /etc/systemd/system/weewx2hass.service
apt install sqlite3 mosquitto mosquitto-clients # install dependencies
'weewx2watch' is a monitor tool and a simple ASCII-art digital clock that can show inside/outside temperatures. See 'weewx2watch --help' for details.