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gochain-local repo but add some scripts to generate BTP Message

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A collection of helper scripts to run gochain docker container as a local network.


  • Download and install Docker

  • goloop/gochain-icon docker image

    • Build
      $ git clone
      $ cd goloop
      $ make gochain-icon-image
    • Verify the generated image
      $ docker images goloop/gochain-icon
      REPOSITORY            TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
      goloop/gochain-icon   latest    74676aec69ef   2 minutes ago   513MB

BTP Usage

Start Container

You can start and stop the docker container using the Makefile.

make start

This command does the following things in order:

  1. Reverts back genesis.json
  2. Update genesis.json to use
    • Modded governance contract (to bypass network proposal to open btp network)
    • Set revision to 0x15 which introduces BTP.
  3. Start the docker container using this updated genesis.json.
  4. Prep configuration (make godwallet a prep and configure it)
  5. Open BTP Network
  6. Deploy a contract that can send BTP Message

Send a BTP Message

Send BTP Message using the network using the following command:

make test-btp

Stop container

To stop the container

make stop


  1. btp-optimized.jar is simple contract which will be used to open a BTP Network and send BTP Messages
  2. governace-optimized.jar is governance contract with one method added to it, which aids to open BTP network.


You can start or stop the docker container using the following script. You can also use docker compose to start or stop the container.

$ ./
Usage: ./ [start|stop|pause|unpause|ps]

Start the container

$ ./ start
>>> START with compose-single.yml
Creating network "gochain-local_default" with the default driver
Creating gochain-iconee ... done

$ ./ ps
     Name                   Command               State                              Ports
gochain-iconee   /entrypoint /bin/sh -c /go ...   Up      8080/tcp, 9080/tcp,>9082/tcp,:::9082->9082/tcp

Note that log messages will be generated at ./chain/iconee.log.

$ head ./chain/iconee.log
I|20211008-03:27:35.242715|b6b5|-|main|main.go:433   ____  ___   ____ _   _    _    ___ _   _
I|20211008-03:27:35.243626|b6b5|-|main|main.go:433  / ___|/ _ \ / ___| | | |  / \  |_ _| \ | |
I|20211008-03:27:35.243644|b6b5|-|main|main.go:433 | |  _| | | | |   | |_| | / _ \  | ||  \| |
I|20211008-03:27:35.243659|b6b5|-|main|main.go:433 | |_| | |_| | |___|  _  |/ ___ \ | || |\  |
I|20211008-03:27:35.243678|b6b5|-|main|main.go:433  \____|\___/ \____|_| |_/_/   \_\___|_| \_|
I|20211008-03:27:35.243693|b6b5|-|main|main.go:435 Version : v1.0.0
I|20211008-03:27:35.243713|b6b5|-|main|main.go:436 Build   : linux/amd64 tags(rocksdb)-2021-10-05-08:13:18
I|20211008-03:27:35.243732|b6b5|-|metric|metric.go:150 Initialize rootMetricCtx
T|20211008-03:27:35.244757|b6b5|-|TP|transport.go:383 registerPeerHandler &{0xc0001ca540 0xc0001ca4e0 map[] {{0 0} 0 0 0 0} 0xc0001ca5a0} true
T|20211008-03:27:35.244925|b6b5|-|TP|transport.go:383 registerPeerHandler &{0xc0001ca4b0 :8080} true

Stop the container

$ ./ stop
>>> STOP with compose-single.yml
Stopping gochain-iconee ... done
Removing gochain-iconee ... done
Removing network gochain-local_default

Pause the container

$ ./ pause

Unpause the container

$ ./ unpause

Using Docker-Compose

There are two docker Compose files as the following.

  • compose-single.yml: run a single gochain node as the previous script example
  • compose-multi.yml: run multiple (four) gochain nodes which validate the same blocks

Create and Start the container

For a single gochain node:

$ docker-compose -f compose-single.yml up -d
Creating network "gochain-local_default" with the default driver
Creating gochain-iconee ... done

$ docker-compose -f compose-single.yml ps
     Name                   Command               State                              Ports
gochain-iconee   /entrypoint /bin/sh -c /go ...   Up      8080/tcp, 9080/tcp,>9082/tcp,:::9082->9082/tcp

For multiple gochain nodes:

$ docker-compose -f compose-multi.yml up -d
Creating network "gochain-local_default" with the default driver
Creating gochain-local_node3_1 ... done
Creating gochain-local_node0_1 ... done
Creating gochain-local_node1_1 ... done
Creating gochain-local_node2_1 ... done

$ docker-compose -f compose-multi.yml ps
        Name                       Command               State                         Ports
gochain-local_node0_1   /entrypoint /bin/sh -c /go ...   Up      8080/tcp,>9080/tcp,:::9080->9080/tcp
gochain-local_node1_1   /entrypoint /bin/sh -c /go ...   Up      8080/tcp,>9080/tcp,:::9081->9080/tcp
gochain-local_node2_1   /entrypoint /bin/sh -c /go ...   Up      8080/tcp,>9080/tcp,:::9082->9080/tcp
gochain-local_node3_1   /entrypoint /bin/sh -c /go ...   Up      8080/tcp,>9080/tcp,:::9083->9080/tcp

Stop and remove the container

$ docker-compose -f compose-single.yml down


$ docker-compose -f compose-multi.yml down

Persistence of Data

If you want to persist your data across docker restarts, set GOCHAIN_CLEAN_DATA in ./data/single/iconee.env to false. In case of the multiple nodes, modify ./data/multi/common.env instead.

Using Blockchain Tracker

Tracker folder contains a docker-compose.yml and .env files to run a local blockchain explorer (a.k.a. tracker).

After starting the local gochain nodes (single or multi), run the following command to start the tracker.

$ cd tracker
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "tracker_default" with the default driver
Creating tracker_mysql ... done
Creating tracker_app   ... done
Creating tracker_nginx ... done

Then open the page with your favorite web browser.


gochain-local repo but add some scripts to generate BTP Message






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