This is a Raku module which allows execution of Gambit Scheme code from Raku code with inspiration from other Inline:: modules like Inline::Python, Inline::Lua, Inline::Scheme::Guile, etc.
use Inline::Scheme::Gambit;
my $gambit =;
my $code = q:to/END/;
(define (fib n)
(if (< n 2) n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
say $'fib', 8);
say $'map',
${(lambda (n) (fib n))}),
[0 .. 8]);
Testing has only been done under Rakudo MoarVM on x86-64 Linux. It requires Gambit-C 4, and Gambit-C 4.8.3 and 4.2.8 have been tested by the author.
Values can be passed to and returned from Gambit-C. Simple types like boolean, integer, number, string, list, table, vector should work. Present mapping between Gambit-C and Raku types is as following table.
Gambit-C from Perl to Perl
boolean Bool Bool
integer(exact) Int Int
rational(exact) Rat Rat
rational(inexact) Num Num
complex Complex Complex
string Stringy Str
list Positional Array
table Associative Hash
vector Array
procedure OpaquePointer
other objects OpaquePointer OpaquePointer
Note that at present both scheme list and vector converts to Array in Raku, but through the call() method (see below) Raku Array only converts to list.
The API is incomplete and experimental. It may change in future if necessary.
- Think about wrapping OpaquePointer for scheme-object, so that it can do better on scheme list/vector/procedure/etc.
- Support scheme record type.
- Improve error handling.
zef install Inline::Scheme::Gambit
It by default tries to use 'gsc-script' or 'gsc' as the gsc command, and dynamically link to It supports several environment variables to override the default behavior.
For example to override gsc in case 'gsc-script' or 'gsc' is not in PATH, or 'gsc-script' is an incorrect symlink.
GSC=/usr/bin/gsc zef install Inline::Scheme::Gambit
And if on your system gambit dll is not named, you can override it like below,
LIBS="" zef install Inline::Scheme::Gambit
Or if you would like to static link to some libgambit.a
LIBS=-lutil MYEXTLIB=/usr/lib/gambit-c/libgambit.a zef install Inline::Scheme::Gambit
You can refer to and to know more details.
Object of Inline::Scheme::Gambit represents a global Gambit-C instance.
Returns the global Inline::Scheme::Gambit singleton. The first call to new() initializes the singleton.
Runs $code and returns any resulting value.
Calls the named function with @args, and returns any resulting value.