- NoFacesForNames
- Dreher Cup Tweet
- Gitolite Force Mirror Push for all Repos
- TimeInBeats
- Throw away scripts to download all videos from uriminzokkiri.com
- Average Weather tweet
- Bash notes
- Adjust a crontab to run a script at the sun cycle significant points for a given long&lat
- Mr Rogers Button Service and Button.sh
- Cut 4 random frames from any video & and a posting to twitter script
- Download all the trending videos
- YouTube Music Detector
- Wikipedia Date Carving
- Automatic Cup Tweet
- Automatic Name Changer
- Automatic posting of 60//5\204
- Change Display picture to current time (with script to do it in beats)
- Change name to reflect current time
- HowMuchOfABotAmI in a tweet
- IAAIAAIAO test script
- Internet Is Real Life Auto Tweet
- Tweet chain automation
- How many scripts
- Pi Ad-Hoc Networking
- Swatch Beat Time counter