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cl-multiagent-system is a "multi-multithreaded" model of an multiagent system -- it uses green threads over native threads to simulate massive parallel execution.


Entity (synchronized data structure)

A synchronized entity is defined with the macro

(define-entity entity-type lambda-list
               (&key declarations initialization) &rest accessors)


  • entity-type -- name of a new type;

  • lambda-list -- lambda list of an instance constructor function;

  • declarations -- list of declarations for an instance constructor function;

  • initialization -- list of forms to be executed in an instance constructor after an instance has been constructed and self has been set;

  • accessors -- entity accessors descriptions of the syntax in one of two forms:

// short form:
accessor ::= resource-name | (setf resource-name)

The short form defines a simple, single resource, synchronized public getter/setter, which take no additional arguments.

// full form:
accessor ::= ((accessor-name accessor-lambda-list [accessor-settings]) 

// getter
accessor-name ::= symbol
accessor-lambda-list ::= ({ordinary-lambda-list})

// setter
accessor-name ::= (setf symbol)
accessor-lambda-list ::= (new-value-var {ordinary-lambda-list})

accessor-settings ::= [:writes ({name}*)] [:reads ({name}*)] 
                      [:calls ({accessor-name}*)]
                      [:visibility {:public | :private}]
                      [:declarations ({declaration}*)]

The full form allows to specify custom accessor name, additional parameters, visibility from outside (should the corresponding macro be defined), and used resources for the synchronization mechanism.

:reads and :writes lists help the implementation to determine which accessors can run in parallel, and which cannot.

:calls list specifies which other accessors are used in this accessor body, to automatically extend the :reads and :writes lists.

:visibility :public declaration generates a macro for convenient outside access to the accessor (the default behavior). :visibility :private accessors are considered private interface and don't have macros to be used outside.

From within an entity, all accessors are available as local functions (defined using labels), regardless to their visibility.

Accessor's :declarations are applied to a corresponding local function.

The macro defines:

  • function make-<entity-type> -- an instance constructor (name generator can be replaced: set *constructor-name-fn*);

  • macros <entity-type>-<getter-name> -- getters (name generator can be replaced: set *accessor-name-fn*);

  • setf expansions <entity-type>-<setter-name> -- setters (name generator can be replaced: set *accessor-name-fn*).

Also, there is a dynamic way of accessing entities using

(entity-accessor name entity &rest args)


(setf (entity-accessor name entity &rest args) value)

where name is an evaluated expression which must return name of accessor from description in define-entity.

Initialization and accessors body code can use self binding, which is assigned to the entity instance itself.

Native thread

Generic thread

A native thread is defined with the macro

(define-thread thread-type lambda-list
               (&key declarations initialization body) &rest accessors)

The syntax and result is identical to that of define-entity with the following additions:

  • body is a body of a lambda function which is defined in an environment where not any of lambda-list bindings is available, only self can be accessed; this lambda function will be used as a thread function;

  • running-p, start, stop and destroy accessors (reading of the thread state, starting, stopping and destroying the thread, respectively) will be generated automatically.

Multiagent thread

A multiagent thread is a native thread designed to run multiple agents using green threads. It is created with function make-multiagent-thread, which takes no arguments. The only methods of it are:

  • (multiagent-thread-number-of-agents thread) -- number of currently running agents;

  • (multiagent-thread-map-agents thread fn) -- map provided function over all currently running agents.


An agent is created with function

(make-agent instance-id &key role-id 
    (loop-fn (funcall *agent-loop-fn-ctor* instance-id role-id)) 
    (start-fn (funcall *agent-start-fn-ctor* instance-id role-id)) 
    (stop-fn (funcall *agent-stop-fn-ctor* instance-id role-id))
    (data-table (funcall *agent-data-table-ctor* instance-id role-id))

An agent wraps a green thread and contains associated action functions and data. Agents can be started, stopped and killed, can receive/send messages from/to other agents.

List of agent accessors and methods:

  • (agent-instance-id agent) -- agent instance ID;

  • (agent-role-id agent) -- agent role ID;

  • (agent-loop-fn agent) -- (setfable) the main agent function that is called in a loop during execution, an agent itself is passed to the function as a parameter;

  • (agent-start-fn agent) -- (setfable) function called before entering execution loop, being given an agent as a parameter;

  • (agent-stop-fn agent) -- (setfable) function called after exiting execution loop, being given an agent as a parameter;

  • (agent-data-table agent) -- (setfable) associated data table;

  • (agent-host-thread agent) -- (setfable) multiagent thread for the agent to be executed in;

  • (agent-running-p agent) -- agent execution status;

  • (agent-message agent &key keep) -- (setfable) a message passed to the agent.

List of agent methods:

  • (agent-start agent) -- start agent execution;

  • (agent-stop agent) -- stop agent execution.


A messenger is an universal inter-agent communication interface, designed to deliver messages to local and remote agents (i.e. not located in the current process).

Messenger provides (messenger-send messenger id msg) operation, which takes recipient agent ID and message, and returns t or nil in the case of success and fail, respectively. For this to work, messenger requires three registries: site-registry, agent-registry and sender-registry.

site-registry holds entries of the form <agent ID>:<site>, where site is either nil or an agent location designator. Nil value means agent is local and can accept messages directly. agent-registry holds local agents by their IDs, and sender-registry holds site-specific sender functions by location designators.

A messenger is constructed using function

(make-messenger &key (site-registry (make-registry)) 
                     (agent-registry (make-registry))
                     (sender-registry (make-registry)))

The associated registries are accessed with messenger-site-registry, messenger-agent-registry, messenger-sender-registry, respectively.

Stream sender and receiver

The library provides constructor functions for message senders and receivers which communicate over streams.

A sender (lambda which takes recipient id and message and sends the latter to the recipient) is made with

(make-stream-sender serializer stream lock)

where serializer is a function which takes recipient id, message and buffer and returns an updated buffer with serialized id and message in it.

A receiver (two lambda functions: a 'stream reader'/'buffer accumulator' and a 'deserializer caller'/'buffer consumer', both take no arguments) is made with

(make-stream-receiver deserializer stream lock 
                      &optional (buffer-size *default-buffer-size*)
                      (buffer-element-type *default-buffer-element-type*))

where deserializer is a function which takes buffer with received data (probably incomplete or excess), data start and end indexes, and returns 3 values -- id, msg, deserialized-length (exact used length of the buffer). Return values may be nil in case of incomplete input data.


Missing value

Sometimes, it is convenient to have a special constant, which represents the absence of a meaningful value. This library provides such a constant: +no-value+ of type missing-value. This value can be tested for with a function no-value-p.


A registry is a thread-safe wrapper of hash table. It is created using function

(make-registry &optional default-value (value-test #'equal))

where: default-value -- value returned when accessing non-existent entry; value-test -- function used to test equality of the new value with the default value in setf-accessor (needed to decide if the entry should be deleted).

Registry provides the following accessors and operations:

  • (registry-default-value registry) -- read/write accessor for default-value;

  • (registry-value-test registry) -- read/write accessor for value-test;

  • (registry-entry registry key &optional (default +no-value+)) -- read/write accessor for a value denoted by key (if there is no such key, and if default is supplied, it is returned, otherwise default-value is returned);

  • (registry-keys registry) -- get list of all entry keys in the registry;

  • (registry-entry-present-p registry key) -- test if an entry with such key is in the registry;

  • (registry-map-entries registry fn) -- call fn for each entry key and value of the entry;

  • (registry-add-entry registry key value) -- add entry to the registry;

  • (registry-del-entry registry key) -- delete entry from the registry.

Synchronized queue

As a bonus, the library provides public interface to synchronized queues.
A queue are protected with a mutex.

List of supported operations (see queue.lisp for details):

  • testing for emptiness;

  • accessing first and last elements;

  • pushing and popping multiple elements.


Ivan Podmazov ([email protected])

Copyright (c) 2019 Ivan Podmazov


A multithreaded model of a multiagent system.







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