this library is part of dear suite
Swift implementation of the SA-IS algorithm for building suffix arrays in O(n)
(as compared to more usual O(n × log(n)
). The library exposes an API for constructing suffix arrays from either textual (String
) or binary ([UInt8]
) data.
Suffix arrays are mostly used in data compression, and especially for calculating binary diff patches in update systems.
The code has been ported into idiomatic Swift from Chromium's implementation.
I wrote this library for my upcoming implementation of the bsdiff-like compression, which will in turn power low-footprint over-the-air dictionary updates in my electronic dictionary app.
DearSAIS is distributed via Swift Package Manager.
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
Please note that contributions are accepted if they align with the vision for the library. Please open an issue first to discuss proposed changes.
This project (and the rest of the dear suite) is released into the public domain under The Unlicense. Do whatever you want with it however you want.